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“I asked you to find a way to get rid of her new powers,” Zatanna said to him. “I in no way wanted you to take away my daughter.”

“For Christ’s sake, that kid is not and never will be your daughter. If you want to fix this mess, just stay here and let me work my magic. Soon you can go back to your normal life. This is what Bee wants, to return to being her old self. She must hate herself for being unable to do anything in her current state.”

“Who said that you get to determine what I want,” Bee said, said a few feet away from them. She could hear their argument from the kitchen and decided to talk with them while leaving Mary, Milagro, and Pino at the table to continue eating.

“Hello there Bats,” Constantine said to Bee. “We’re just talking about freeing you from your curse. Isn’t that right Zee?”


Zatanna couldn’t say a word, knowing that her daughter heard everything. There was no way that she wouldn’t take this chance to turn back to her old self. Zatanna couldn’t even think of anything to say to stop her. She had no right to turn Batman into her daughter in the first place. She had no right from stopping her from taking back what was rightfully hers.

“And who said that this was a curse,” Bee said to their surprise. “Who says that I want to go back?”

“Bats I can turn you back to normal as well as get rid of those pesky little powers of yours. You don’t have to continue playing this foolish game with Zatanna and the League. Mate, they had no right to change you, I can change to back to your old self. What do you say?”

“No,” Bee said to their surprise again. “I don’t want to turn back. I love my new life and I love my mommy; I don’t want t to lose that,” she said walking over to Zatanna before hugging her mother.”

“Bats that it’s just the spell they used on you talking,” Constantine said, refusing to believe that Batman actually wanted this. “They used and manipulated you! Don’t you see that you deserve revenge? You are the Batman, not some sniveling brat that loves her mommy! If you stay like this any longer, I won’t be able to help you. You won’t even remember that you were Batman!”

“That’s not the case,” Milagro said, as both she and Mary entered the room. “She will only stop associating the fact that she was Batman. The memories will exist, but she will no longer feel the urge to be him. Or at least that’s what Pino says,” she said to everyone's shock.

“You can’t force my best friend to go back to being a smelly old man like you!” Mary said as the two of the went over to be by Bee’s side.

“Mary, Milagro, Pino… you guys knew?” Bee asked as tears started to form in her eyes.

“Of course, we knew,” Mary said to her, and Milagro nodded yes as well. “I figured it out a few days after we meet, and Pino found out immediately after scanning us when we meet Milagro and she found out then as well. After figuring out that we both knew your secret we knew that we had to protect you.”

“Protect me?” Bee said, her face turning red from embarrassment.

“Yes you,” Mary said back to her. “Pino scanned your mental state during nap time, and we found that your mind is that of a child’s just like ours. So, what if you have memories of being a grown man in a bat costume, what matters to use is the time that we spent with you. Bee, you saved us from loneliness, you are our friend ad nothing is going to change that.”

“Re-really?” Bee asked as she could no longer hold herself back from crying. Milagro, Pino, and Mary reached and hugged her, comforting their friend.

“I-I- don’t wanna go back!” she cried out fearing that Constantine would take her choice away from her. She didn’t want to leave this second chance she was given behind.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Zatanna said over and over, as she held the three girls in her arms. Tears rolled down her eyes knowing that her daughter didn’t hate her for what she did to her and she was happy to know that her daughter had such great friends that accepted her past without question.


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