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“Um Bee I think there’s a dead guy on your couch,” Mary said, looking at John Constantine who was passed out drunk in Bee’s living room.

“He’s not dead,” Bee said, picking up a pillow. “Just drunk,” she said before chucking the pillow right at his face!

“What the bloody hell!” Constantine yelled as he was forced to wake up.

“What are you doing here John?” Bee asked him as he sat up, scratching his head.

“Well, I’ll be damned, I never thought that I would see you of all people wearing that,” he said pointing out her Pinkie Pie-themed pajamas.

“And what’s wrong with that!?” Mary said stepping in the protect her friend from this drunk creepy old man.

“Oh, I see, they still don’t know do they,” Constantine said mocking Bee, who could only stand there shocked in fear knowing that he could ruin her new life with just a few measly words.

“Tuhs ruoy htuom,” Zatanna said, using her magic to keep Constantine quiet. She wasn’t going to let him ruin her daughter’s life because he felt like a prick.

Constantine pulled out a flask and drank some of the contents, removing Zatanna’s spell. “Calm down love, I was just messing around. Besides I’m sure that they’ll find out one way or another after I’m done today.”

“Bee, what is the creepy old man talking about?” Mary and Milagro asked their friend.

“It’s, um… it’s. a-”

“It’s a family secret,” Zatanna said, walking over to them. “I’m sorry girls, but Bee is forbidden to talk to anyone about our secret. It’s a very touchy matter involving her past and her deadbeat of a father right there.”

“Wait he’s Bee’s father!” the two girls yelled, looking at Bee and then Constantine. “There’s no way,” Mary said to Zatanna. “They don’t look alike at all!”

Bee couldn’t say anything after hearing the lie that her mother just told her friends. There was no way that John Constantine would ever become her father. And to the same extent, there was no way that she would ever accept that. All she needed was her mother, she didn’t need a deadbeat dad in her life.

“Bee takes more after my side of the family, did you girls know that her grandfather, my father is Dr. Fate?”

“Amazing!” the two girls said in awe, forgetting about the whole secret thing for now.

“Alright girls it’s time to eat,” Zatanna said, leading the girls to the kitchen where plates of French toast and bacon were ready for them.

Bee and her friends ate their breakfast while Zatanna went back to where a still stunned Constantine was sitting on her couch.

“Really love, you told them that I’m that things father? What the bloody hell is wrong with you!” Constantine yelled at her. “I’m not that kid’s bloody father! I told you that I am not her dad, yet you go and do something ridiculous like that again!”

“You would have been her father if you didn’t leave when you did,” Zatanna said to him.

“For fuck’s sake Zee, I wouldn’t have left if you hadn’t sided with the League to do this. I’m not the family type. My father was a piece of shit that beat me, and I don’t want that for any kid. Besides after today you won’t have to worry about playing mommy anymore,” Constantine said putting a cigarette in his mouth, but Zee grabbed it out of his mouth before he could light it.

“Explain,” Zee said, knowing that Constantine had something planned that she wouldn't like.

“What I told you that I had a way to fix this mess,” Constantine said back to her. I’m sure that you knew what I was talking about. I’m going to fix this bloody mess by returning the Batman back to normal and watching as the League gets what they have coming to them. If your care to watch you are more than welcome to join me.”


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