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“Nnnnh, what happened?” Akane asked herself, slowly opening her eyes, and smelling an odd scent in the air. The last thing she remembered was eating dinner with Nabiki and Kasumi and the next thing she knew she was here.

“Huh? What the hell!?” Akane looked down to see that she was tied to a chair, unable to move her arms or legs.

“Welcome back to the world of the living,” Nabiki said, revealing that she was in the chair tied up behind Akane. “I almost thought that you would never wake up.”

“Nabiki, what’s going on? Where are we?” Akane asked, scared and confused. “Is Kasumi here as well?”

“Of course, she’s here. This is her room, after all,” Nabiki said to her.

Akane looked around, and to her surprise, Nabiki was right, this was Kasumi’s room. What kind of sick person would kidnap them and then lock them away in their sisters room? This was atrocious.

“Is she alright?” Akane asked worried for her sister.

“Why don’t you ask her? She’s coming in right now.” Just as Nabiki said, several seconds later the door to Kasumi’s room opened up, and Kasumi walked in with the same sweet smile spread across her face.

“Oh my, it looks like the two of you are finally awake,” Kasumi cheerfully said to them. “I was worried that I put too many sleeping pills into your food~.”

“Wait you did this to us! Why!?” Akane shouted at her. “When dads here’s about this you’ll be in so much trouble!”

“I would, but father is the one that asked me to do this for him and as his eldest daughter it is my responsibility to comply with his wishes.”

“What do you want from us?” Nabiki asked, unable to see her sister's face. “What are you trying to gain here?”

“Oh, my sweet little Nabiki, always trying to find some angle to work with~,” Kasumi said, teasing her. “Unfortunately for the two of you, the only way that either of you can give me what I want is to do as I say.”

“Kasumi, let us go!” Akane yelled, struggling to try and get out of her binds, but it was useless.

“I’m sorry, but that won’t do until you do as I ask?” Kasumi said to them once more.

“And what do you want from us in the first place?” Nabiki asked her.

“I want nothing more than to see my precious little sisters live their best lives, but it would seem that they two of you are squandering your chances,” Kasumi said, sounding disappointed in them.

“Nabiki, you love money we all know that, so I never understood why you never asked that Kuno boy out, his rich, handsome and is quite the gentleman. There should be no reason for you not to confess to him. You could live the life you always wanted and support our family if you do marry him.”

“Marry him!?” Kasumi, I don’t plan to get married to anyone, let alone Kuno! I have self-respect! I earn my money; I won’t be given it by someone like him.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, it is that reason why I must push you to be true to yourself,” Kasumi said to her. “And for you Akane, you have a handsome fiancé that you treat like dirt. As a lady, you must show him respect. Ranma is a good boy, I fail to understand why you don’t like him.”

“I’ll never marry, Ranma, And you can’t make me!” Akane yelled at her, furious that her own sister would do this to her. She expected this kind of thing from Nabiki, but never from Kasumi.

“That is true the current Akane will never marry Ranma, but who says that we need her?” Kasumi said, her smile turning dark. “Time and time again I have seen you waste your chances with him. Well, I say no more to that.”

“Then keep dreaming because I will never marry him!” Akane yelled as loud as possible at her.

“I agree! We’ll never do what you want!” Nabiki yelled back to her as well.

“Fufufu~. It’s cute that the two of you think that you have a choice. You especially Akane. Your choice has already been decided long ago, though I do believe much more than your personality will need to be changed to fit the image of a perfect wife. Lucky for you, Nabiki, I will have to spend most of my time with Akane.”

“What that’s…that’s….huh, why do I feel lightheaded? Nabiki, what’s going on?” Akane asked, starting to feel dizzy.

“I’m sorry, but Nabiki’s training has already begun~,” Kasumi said to her.

“What are….what are you talking about?” Akane asked noticing that there were two projectors in the room, and one of them was already on, pointing to the wall facing Nabiki.

“Right now, she is being shown slides of her beloved Kuno. She may not love him now, but in a few hours she will. It’s all thanks to that sweet aroma in the air. It’s part of aroma hypnosis recommended by Dr. Tofu. He said that this should open you minds right up.”

“But…but…I don’t want to,” Akane said, finding it difficult to talk.

“Shh, it alright just sit back and enjoy the show~,” Kasumi said, turning on the projector starting a slide show of shirtless pictures of Ranma both male and female. For Akane to become the perfect wife, she needed to accept both sides of her husband, both male and female.

“So, what do you think?” Kasumi asked after an hour of Akane watching the slide show on repeat.

“I…I will… I will never love him!” Akane yelled, doing her best to fight the urge to love and pamper Ranma that Kasumi was trying to instill into her. “I hate him! I hate you, you fucking bitch!”

“Oh my, and here I was trying to make this experience as gentle as possible, but it would seem that someone doesn’t want that,” Kasumi said, untying Akane to her surprise, but it wasn’t to let her go free. Kasumi picked Akane up like a rag doll and threw her over her knee, and began to spank her.


“Ahhhhhh! What are you doing to me!? Stop it!” Akane cried out in pain as Kasumi spanked her.


“I gave you the opportunity to do this the easy way, and you refused, so we will have to do this the hard way,” Kasumi said to her. “If you were more compliant, then you would be just like Nabiki now.” Akane looked over to see Nabiki drooling, watching pictures of Kuno and money flash by.

“I love money….I love Ku…Kuno~,” Nabiki said, already trapped in a trance. Soon Kuno will be the along thing on her mind.

“You leave me no choice but to change you body as well as your mind,” Kasumi said to her in a dark tone. Thanks to Mr. Happosai, I know just what to do to make you more appealing for Ranma, a boy like him has certain tastes, and face it, you’re too much of a tomboy for him. You would be much better taking a new appearance.”

“No… stop this,” Akane said, rubbing her beat red ass as Kasumi tied her up again.

“If a simple hour doesn’t change your mind, we’ll just have to wait a day, and if a day doesn’t work, we’ll wait a week, and so on. Eventually, you will love Ranma and become the perfect wife that you were always meant to be. Big sister only wants what’s best for you. Just listen to her, and everything will turn out just fine,” she said, gagging Akane before leaving the room.

Days passed by after that, and Akane stayed true to herself. On the other hand Nabiki’s training was done I single day, and she had already confessed to Kuno, who took her as his girlfriend and had strong intentions to marry her.

Nabiki tried convincing Akane that she was happier now, thanks to Kasumi, but Akane didn’t believe her. The Nabiki she knew and loved wouldn’t care about Kuno. She knew that she could never allow herself to become like Nabiki. She wanted to stay true to herself.

Though that was easier said than done. With every day that passed, she became more drawn toward Ranma, longing to be held in his embrace. She knew that these feelings weren’t hers and did her best to continue to fight against them.

In addition to the twenty-four-seven brainwashing that she was going under, Kasumi was also modifying Akane’s body. She loved Akane she really did, but she knew that Ranma would never be attracted in her. He was obviously into girls with more refined tastes, such as herself.

Using techniques that she learned from Mr. Happosai, she began to slowly transform Akane into her very own clone.

She started small, first growing out Akane’s hair and then dying her hair brown. After that, using Mr. Happosai’s special techniques, she was actually able to make Akane grow taller. It was just like magic.

During this process, Akane tried to resist but could do nothing against her fearful sister. All she could do was comply with her demands.

“There, now don’t you look beautiful,” Kasumi said to her sister as they both stared at her reflection. She now looked almost exactly like Kasumi now, and she was even forced to wear her dress and apron. The only thing that set them apart was their breasts sizes, which Kasumi was making larger each day, and Akane’s thicc thighs. Though when it came to those, Kasumi did debate whether or not she should let Akane keep them. Ranma did seem to like girls that were packing a bit in the back.

“Now, do you know why I unstrapped you from your special chair?” Kasumi asked Akane, treating her like a child.

“Ranma?” Akane asked her sister, confused about what was going on. Her mind was a mess right now, filled with thoughts of both loving and hating Ranma. She didn’t know what to do. She was scared that she didn’t look like herself anymore, or did she always look like this? Nothing made sense to her. The only constant she had was Ranma.

“That’s right, what a smart girl you are,” Kasumi said, congratulating her sister. “Today is the day that you finally get to meet the real Ranma. Aren’t you excited? It’s been a full week since you last saw him. He’s been missing you this whole time.”

“Really?” Akane asked, feeling happy that Ranma actually cared about her.

“Yes, really, and as your reward for being such a good girl, you get to cook and serve him diner tonight, isn’t that great~?”

“But I don’t know how to cook,” Akane said in her dazed state, not even realizing that she agreed to cook and serve Ranma food, something which she had immediately said no to before.

“Don’t worry, I will teach you everything that you need to know. This is your first step to becoming a proper wife,” Kasumi said to her.

“But I…I don’t want to be Ranma’s wife,” Akane said back to her, still trying to resist, but ultimately failing to do so since before, she would have said no by screaming her lungs out.

“Now, now, that’s old Akane talking,” Kasumi said to her. “You don’t want to go back to being a brute like her again now, do you?”

“No, I-I-I like being like big sister,” Akane said, remembering all of her spankings for being disobedient and rude to her big sister. As long as she was quiet and nice like her big sister so would never have to experience that sort of punishment again.

“Very good, now follow me, and I will show you everything that you have to do~,” Kasumi said to her, leading Akane to the kitchen.

After many hours of cooking, Akane finally met the standards set by Kasumi and made a dish worthy of serving to Ranma.

“Not bad, it could still use a little work, but once you become a housewife, you will have more than enough chances to practice,” Kasumi said, complementing her sister. No, get out there!” she said, shoving Akane out into the dining room where Ranma in her female form, was waiting. She must have got hit by some cold water like always.

“Finally, Akane, how long were you going to…wait, Kasumi? I thought you said that Akane was going to make me dinner?” Ranma asked, confused.

“Um…it’s me…I’m Akane,” she said, slowly placing down the food in front of her.

“Wat!? No way you’re Akane!” Ranma yelled, not believing her. “There’s no way that Akane could be this shy or cute!”

“I’m afraid you’re wrong,” Kasumi said to Ranma, making her way out of the kitchen.

“But-but how!?” Ranma yelled in disbelief. Was there another cursed spring around here?

“Akane wanted nothing more than to please you, Ranma,” Kasumi said to her as the room filled with the same aroma used to hypnotize and brainwash her sisters. “She knew that in her current state, she could never please you, but now she has become the ideal wife candidate. Isn’t this amazing?”

“Kasumi, something seems wrong,” Ranma said to her. “Akane would never agree to change herself for me.”

“Are you sure about that?” Kasumi asked her while Akane remained silent. She wanted to tell her that Ranma was right, but the aroma in the air messed with her mind, making her solely focus on Ranma and her huge breasts. Maybe if she let her sister continue her transformation, she could have breasts like those too.

“Why are you so sure that this isn’t what Akane wanted? She wants to be your wife so much that she is willing to change everything about herself to do so. You’re not going to deny her resolve now, are you? Come on, you have to admit that she looks better like this, right?”

“Well…. well, I guess your right…. she does look quite cute right now,” Ranma said to her own disbelief as the aroma started to affect her as well. There was just this feeling building up inside her that she couldn’t explain right now.

Kasumi smiled, seeing the way that they were looking at each other now. Her plan was finally coming to fruition. Soon they would be the lovers they were always meant to be.

“Well, now that we have this misunderstanding settled, I will be heading off. There is no need for me to interfere with you two love birds, now is there?” she said before leaving the room.

Once she left, Akane apologized to Ranma, saying that her sister convinced her that this was what Ranma wanted. She said that she was fine with it, but truthfully, she preferred Akane's old look better. Though because they were both being affected by the aroma in the air, neither of them were allowed to speak their true feelings, and with each minute that passed by, they became slowly drawn to each other.

“This is amazing!” Ranma said to her, eating all the food that Akane had cooked for her. Before, she wasn’t a good cook at all, but now it really was like she was a completely different person. “Aren’t you going to have some?”

“If that is what you wish,” Akane said, sitting right next to him, making them look like more of a loving married couple than they did before. This was all thanks to the subliminal messaging in Akane’s brainwashing, which was slowly teaching her how to become the ideal wife. Kasumi was proud of herself for this.

“If you excuse me, I shall go ready the bath,” Akane said after only eating a few bites of her food. She was brainwashed into serving Ranma’s every need unconsciously. At this point, there was barely any part of her that fought back. She was supposed t be Ranma’s wife, and nothing could change that.

On her way t the bathroom, she stopped down at Kasumi’s room and allowed her to finish transforming her into her clone. Their only difference now were Akane's thick thighs, which she knew Ranma would love. She then gave her a bar of soap that would help Ranma fall madly in love with her.

“Today wasn’t a bad day,” Ranma said to herself, entering the bath. “Now all that’s left is to turn back into a guy and… Akane, what the hell are you doing in here!?” Ranma yelled, startled to see Akane in nothing but a towel!

“Wahh!” Akane was shocked to hear Ranma yell at her, lost her balance, and almost fell to the ground. Though before she did, Ranma caught her and they crashed into the bathtub together, instantly turning Ranma back into a guy as they did.


“Ack! Ack! Thank you. You saved me,” Akane said, unable to look away from Ranma’s bare chest. A chest that she had become addicted to looking at after a constant week of looking at nothing besides Ranma’s chest and breasts, she truly did love him.

…Wait, she loved him? It was at that moment that Akane realized that she had always long Ranma deep down and was never able to admit it until now. It was all thanks to her dear sister showing her the right path to take.

“Akane, what are you doing here?” Ranma shyly asked her, making sure to loom away for her sake.

“I’m here to help wash your back. Are you mad at me?” Akane asked nervously that she was being too bold.

“I’m not mad, just surprised,” Ranma said back to her. This hasn’t happened since the day that they first met. It was a bit embarrassing for him, but oddly enough, he wanted her to stay. “If you want you… you can help me wash my back!” he yelled out nervously.

“Thank you very much! I won’t let you down! Akane cheerfully said to him, proceeding to wash his back and then even going as far as bathing with him. It was easy to say that their relationship had never been like this before.

And from that day, their relationship got better and better. They would go on dates together and eat together, and on serval occasions when Ranma was a girl, they had sleepovers together! After six months of this, they decided to tell their parents the good news.

“Esteemed fathers and sisters, we are here today to announce that we have decided to get married!” the two of them said at the same time, showing their families their rings.

Their fathers started to cry tears of joy while Nabiki lovingly sat on Kuno's lap. And Kasumi stood there smiling at her family. Yes, this is what she wanted, and now no one would take it away from her.

In fact, it was long before she decided that Ranma would be better off than her as well. Her sister deserved the best, and who else besides her. Ranma tried to fight her, but it was no use. In fact, she was easier to turn than Akane. Now Ranma is just another housewife that spends her day cleaning and gardening while her lovely wife spends her day cooking.

Neither of them had to bother to work since Kasumi turned Nabiki into her as well. Now all three of them live in Kuno’s mansion. Ranma and Akane lived as a married couple, while Nabiki was Kuno’s one and only wife. He paid for everything they needed and showered them with love. They would never need again since they were perfect, just like her.

She was happy that her sisters and Ranma could enjoy their new lives, just as she was enjoying hers. Years had passed since she had turned Ranma and her two sisters, and not a day goes by that she regrets what she did.

She married Dr. Tofu, and they lived happily together at his clinic with their two lovely daughters. She was raising them to be just like her. The world would be so much better if more and more people like her. She was happy to learn that Ranma, Akane, and even Nabiki wanted their children to be taught by her.

Their children were all so cute together. Each one of them looked just like she did when she was their age, and she does mean that quite literally. At the end of the day, was hard to tell which children were hers and which were her sister's. Well, it didn’t matter, really, since they were all just like her, and eventually, more girls will be born just like her until the who world is blessed with her grace. She was the ideal woman, and there was nothing that anyone could say to change that.


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