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“It’s been a hundred years or so since I last met a mixed soul,” the witch said to me. “I think that the last one was some kid claiming to be some all-powerful hero with cheat codes or something like that. It’s been a while, and I didn’t understand him at all.”

“In fact, the only two reasons why I remembered him were because of his insanely high levels of mana which no human should have been able to have, and that he charged headfirst at a dragon and was eaten alive with one bite. It was quite funny to hear.”

“All mixed souls end up dying like that because of their own stupidity. Though I’m certain that your fate will be different. Your soul is weaker than a newborn babe’s, yet it is much older. Your body contains every little mana, so there is no chance that you be foolish enough to fight, though as a goblin, that might be unavoidable since your kind is hated by most other races.”

“Abugawa?” How did she know this about me? What is she talking about? Who exactly was she?

“Oh my, I think that I should explain from the beginning before we continue,” she said, lightly poking my cheek.

“My name is Lilith Haze, and as I know that you heard, I am a witch. Yes, that means I can do magic and whatnot, and I can even use a spell to read your mind. Shocking I know, but it gets boring explaining this to every little person I meet.

Hmm, it would seem that thinking of this witch as a mature and mysterious woman, I was wrong. She seemed a bot, more of the awkward, talkative type.

“Hey, I can hear that,” she said, reminding me that she could read my mind.  “Little Illya, your mother should have taught you to be better than this,” Lilith said, scolding me. Though it’s not like I meant it as an insult. Besides, it’s not like you gave me a choice when you used magic on my mother to make her leave me here.

“Aww, for a soul as old as yours to still love their mommy as you do is quite cute,” she said, teasing me. “It would seem that the goddess really did her best to make sure that your soul would bond to its new body. You must have felt it earlier, the heaviness in the air that made you feel sick. That happens to those that have low levels of mana like you.

“Oh, would you look at this,” she said, looking intensely at me. “It would seem that someone has been a naughty girl, or should I say, boy?” Wait, she knew!?

“Of course, sweety, there is no reason for me not to know. For me, your soul is nothing more than an open book for me to read, though I do admit that I have been teasing you far too much. You aren’t responsible for the body that you were given, and in truth, you’ve done nothing wrong.”

“While your soul may be older than your body, it has certain restrictions placed on it. All of those nasty adults' thoughts and impulses are suppressed, so are in truth nothing more than a highly intelligent baby.”

Hmm, so I guess that explains why my thinking has been more childlike as of late. My soul was adapting to my body.

“You are absolutely correct. What a good girl you are, or would you rather I call you a boy?” That’s right, what should I refer to myself as, male or female? My soul and mind were that of a man’s, but my body was that of a girl; what did that make me?

“Aww, it’s okay. You don’t have to answer if you are unsure,” she said, trying to comfort me. “In time, you will be able to answer that question for yourself, but right now, that isn’t the question why I made your mother leave you here?”

“The answer to that is simple. It’s because you interest me, and I wanted to have a private chat with you. I have met several mixed souls in the past, but never as young as you. Perhaps this is a sign from the goddess, but overall, I can look past that. I want to see where your story will end compared to the other mixed souls that I have met.

“You are different from them, so I am expecting great things from you. Especially since I have this,” she said, holding up the vile with my mother's blood in it.” What did she plan to do with it?

“Sorry, sweety, but your mommy would be mad at me if I told you. This is a gift for you after all.” A gift for me? “Don’t act so surprised. I’m sure that your mommy will give it to you when you are ready.”

“As of right now, I do have a little gift for you,” she said, placing a necklace with a sharp tooth embedded with a small black stone tied to it. I guess it was nice, but why would I want a necklace?

“That right there is not just any necklace,” Lilith said proudly. “That necklace acts as an insect repellent. It will keep those pesky insects away from your delicate skin.  It has a small amount of magic in it, so you will feel a bit of discomfort.”

“Waaaj obf,” I said to her, begging her to take it off. My body felt heavy, and there was this uncomfortable feeling spreading across it. I didn’t like it, and I wanted it to go away.

“It’s alright, just calm down,” she said, rubbing to top of my head to calm me down. “I can take that off of you, but only if you wish to die. I told you before that your mana levels are very low. I can guess that’s why the goddess put you into this body. Goblins don’t need much mana to survive, but even so, yours are far lower than most, to a dangerous degree, in fact. And this is not even mentioning that you are part human.”

“If nothing is done, you will die before you turn into an adult. Being constantly surrounded by magic, she helps your mana levels increase a bit, but not by much. They will still be dangerously low. In the future, you will need to find an alternative if you wish to survive.

Wait, I’m going to die again! Was my soul really that weak that it couldn’t even survive long in a goblin's body?

“It’s alright,” Lilith said to me. “The goddess wouldn’t have put you into this body if she wasn’t certain that you would live a long life. Destiny has an odd way of playing itself out. For now, you should be happy that you were given a second chance at all.” It still doesn’t seem fair.

“Life is a journey, sweety; there is no need for it to be fair. Now let’s get you back to your mommy. I want to talk with you some more and perhaps learn about where you come from, but the further away your mother gets from me, the weaker my spell becomes. I had best get you back before she realizes what happened,” she said, picking up my basket and leading me out of her home.

I thought that it would take some time for us to catch up to my mother, but before I realized it, we were already at my home, the moment that my mother walked out of the forest. How the hell did we manage to do that?

“I know the ins and outs of this forest like the back of my own hand,” Lilith said, placing me inside my home. “The spell I cast on your mother should wear off soon,” she said, making her way to the door. “Until next time we meet. I can’t wait to see how much bigger you’ll be then.”


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