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“Your majesty, the Ice Queen is here to see you,” Peppermint Maid said before his majesty Finn The Human, King of all Ooo.

“Bring her in,” Finn said, licking his lips, imaging what kinds of pleasures she had brought for him this time.

“Your majesty, your lovely Ice Cock Slave has returned with these several lovely treats,” she said, presenting several lovely princesses in sexy lingerie, each with a giant gag in their mouths and dildos right up their pussies to keep them sensitive for their new master.

The Ice Queen’s attire was similar to theirs, but her ball gag had long since been removed as she knew her place, though it took Finn a while to dominate her.

For 18 years, Finn fought for the land of Ooo, and was a great noble hero, but on his nineteenth birthday, the anniversary of his brother Jake’s death he snapped. He no longer wanted to be a hero to a world that thought that he and his brother were replaceable.

After searching for a long time, he found what he was looking for, the TG Serum that Jake used many years back to transform Dude Darkhorse into Lady Rainicorn. He used the serum of the Ice King, transforming him into Ice Queen, a 25-year-old woman with insatiable lust. He spent months taming the bitch to be his devoted Cock Slave, and then when she was ready, he used her powers to help him conquer Ooo.

It was easy for him to say that the princesses did what he asked without question, but the princes were the problem. He decided to send Ice Queen out to capture the princes and turned them into his Cock Slaves, thanks to the remanufactured mass-produced TG Serum, made for him by princess slave Bubblegum.

Ice Queen would make sure that each one of them was properly trained before being brought to him. He hated bad products and had to kill a few that didn’t know their place.

“Very good, you little slut,” he said, walking over to her before grabbing her tight ass and making out with her. “I’ll make sure that you are properly rewarded later, but for now, it is time for me to inspect the merchandise~” he said, walking over to the line of his new slaves.

“Hmm, glass prince,” what a lovely new form you have there,” Finn said, staring at the girl’s lovely eyes and then at her giant breasts. “You are too dangerous to bed even in your current state, but perhaps a nice job as a statue shall work.”

“Oh my, what do we have here? Body Builder Prince is that really you?” Finn asked, moving over to the short-stacked bimbo prince. It would seem that all those precious gains of yours are gone; what a shame, though your body looks soft to the touch now. I guess that means that you should be thanking me.

“Ohohoho, nerd prince, is that really you?” He said, moving over the nerdy-looking bimbo. “You look like a slutty bimbo that trying to act like she’s smart. Here a ball gaga isn’t befitting of someone like you. Please tell me what you have to say.”

“You, you like did something to us. You like totes cute; I can totes get down with that,” she said, licking her lips. Perfect, she was nothing more than a slutty bitch after his dick like the rest of them.

“And what do we have here?” Finn asked, moving onto the final girl who had pink hair and maid-themed lingerie, who was none other than me. “I don’t believe that I know this one. Ice Queen, who is this whore?”

“I am sorry, but I don’t actually know,” she said to Finn’s confusion. “I only found three, but then I somehow had four. I'm sorry it must have slipped my mind.”

“No matter, we can just force her to tell us who she is,” Finn said, removing my gag, though I didn’t act phased at all. “Speak, tell me who you are?” he asked, ordering me to tell him.

“Me? I'm just a maid,” I said to him. “Nothing more than a maid that has singular duty to fulfill. And that is to clean.”

“Hmm, this one seems more intelligent than the rest,” Finn said, staring back at me. “And I don’t believe that there was ever a butler prince, so who are you really,” he said as his hand touched his sword.

“As I said, I’m just a maid,” I told him. “A maid that cleans scum like you off the face of the Earth!” I yelled, pulling the small knife from the ribbon in my hair and placing it against his throat.

“You! What the hell are you doing!?” Finn yelled at me unable to pull out his sword with my knife directly on his neck.

“I’m cleaning,” I said to him. “Now, girls, if you would. The three girls took off the fake dildos and then proceeded to disarm and strip King Finn. The Ice Queen helped me remove my fake dildo before handing me a syringe with the TG Serum in it.

I didn’t waste any time shoving it into the base of his neck, watching with the other girls how this one proud king became a dumb big titted blond bimbo.

“No! Like what did you like, do to me!?” Finn yelled at us; the effects of this serum worked fast, and she would soon forget about who she once was.

“Now ladies, how about we show off our new little bimbo to her crowd of victimized subjects? I’m sure that they are just dying to meet her,” I said as the girls dragged Finn to the balcony where a hoard of angry and horny men and women waited for the prize I promised them.

“Good luck King Finn,” I said, mocking her as the girls threw her over the ledge. As the former hero of Ooo he deserved more respect than this, but he lost all of his honor the moment he used that Serum. Now, who’s next?


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