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An hour later, at the duel arena, the duel began without further interruption, though it would seem that Viper was nowhere to be seen. He organized this event, so it was odd that he wasn’t there to witness it. Though wherever he is, he is most definitely watching. Alice let Jesse take the first turn since she was feeling generous.

Jesse summoned out Crystal Beast Emerald Turtle and set one card down before ending his turn. Everyone, including Alice, was shocked to see such a rare card be played, but she wasn’t going to lose focus on the duel because of one rare card.

“I summon out my Dolly-Spacian Aqua Dolphy!” She said, summoning out a cute alien dolphin mermaid girl to the field. “I then activate her effect to look at your hand by discarding one Doll-Joint Hero Nea from my hand. I then can make you discard a card to your graveyard,” she said as Jesse showed her his hand.

“I choose to get rid of Ruby Carbuncle, making you lose 500 life points! I then active O-Overdress! To special summon Nea back from my graveyard!”

“Since you special summoned a monster, I can active my Triggered Summon trap card,” Jesse said, making them both summon a level 4 monster on the field. Jesse chooses his Cobalt Eagle, and Alice chose her Dolly-Spaican Molly The Stuffed Mole. Once she used her monsters to destroy his monsters and delt Jesse another 600 pints of damage, she ended her turn. Once she did, both her and everyone else was shocked to see that Jesse's monsters were face up on the field as continuous spell cards!

“Good, very good,” Viper said, watching the duel from his phone while setting his equipment up in the abandoned lab on the island. Once he set up a lava lamp-like object, her headed back to the duel arena. By the time he got back, Alice was on her second turn and had already summoned The Doll House Field spell, in order to fuse her Dolly-Spacian Flare LadyBug and her Nea together to fusion summon Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea in attack position.

“Impressive,” Viper said, walking up behind The Chancellor. “I hope that this duel inspires the rest of the students to try to achieve this level of talent.

“I agree,” The Chancellor concurred with him. Though Alice is a special case. I doubt many could reach her level. It’s as if she has a strange connection with her cards that only a few of my students have ever possessed.”

That was exactly why Viper chose Alice and Jesse to duel one another. The longer they dueled, the greater amount of “Duel Energy that he could absorb from them, making his dream that much closer to reality.

“Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea gains 300 attack for each card with doll and dolly in its name that are in my field and graveyard! This boosts her attack power since I have 5 cards that’s an extra 1500 attack bringing my Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea’s attack points from 2500 to 4000!”

“Doll-Joint Hero Dazzling Nea attack Jesse’s Amethyst Cat!” Alice said, confident that she could destroy it.

“Not so fast!” Jesse said, activating Last Resort to activate his Ancient City-Rainbow Ruins from his deck to destroy Alice’s Doll House Field Spell. This, in turn, allowed Alice to draw one card. Jesse then activated the second effect of his ancient city, allowing him to half the damage he took when his Amethyst Cat was destroyed. Making him lose 1400 life points putting him at 1500.

Knowing that she couldn’t do anything else, Alice ended her turn. “You’re pretty good,” she said to him. Destroying my Doll House to keep me from fusing monsters and saving your life points, not bad.”



I created my own cards and effects, what do you guys think?