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“Yawn!” Sasuke woke up the next day well-rested, but he found that he couldn’t move. He noticed that there was a pair of female arms embracing him from behind, so he instantly thought of his mother.

“Mom, let go of me~.,” Sasuke whined struggling to get free. “I’m not a child anymore you don’t always have to come to sleep with me.” Ever since he was a child Sasuke’s mother would sneak into his bed and cuddle with him.

“Aww, I haven’t even told you the good news and you’re already calling me mom, what a little sweety you are,” Orochimaru said lovingly revealing that she wasn’t who Sasuke thought she was.


The moment that Sasuke realized that she wasn’t his mother he screamed in fear after remembering what happened last night.

“No! No, no, no, no! Please don’t kill me! Itachi I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It’s all my fault! Don-”

“Shh, it’s alright,” Orochimaru said embracing him into her giant breasts. She wanted to make sure that this child felt safe, so she embraced him as hard as she could.

“W-who… are you?” Sasuke asked her as he somehow managed to pull his head out of her breasts.

“Me I’m… uh Shiore,” Orochimaru said to him, trying to keep her real identity a secret for now, since he had already been through a lot. She didn’t want Sasuke to freak out if he knew that she was a criminal or at least a former criminal. She would tell him later.

“And why are you in my bed hugging me?” he asked looking down at her giant breast that his face was just shoved into.

“Well why wouldn’t a mother be with her son in his time of need and comfort him when he feels distressed?” she said to him.

“But you’re not my mother!” Sasuke yelled breaking out of Orochimaru’s embrace to her disappointment. “Are you working with Itachi!? Where is he!? I’ll kill him!?” Sasuke yelled, trying to overcome his fear and pain with anger and the need for revenge.

“It’s alright, he’s no longer in the village, you’re safe,” Orochimaru said trying to comfort him.

“Safe? Safe!? Do I look safe to you!?” Sasuke yelled at her. “I wake up in a strange room with a strange purple-skinned woman with giant tits telling me that I’m safe after my brother murdered my family! I am not safe!”

Orochimaru didn’t get mad at Sasuke for yelling at her, but in fact, she wanted him to continue. He was under a lot of stress from someone his age and he needed a proper way to expel it. If yelling helped, then she would gladly accept that.

“I know it was hard for you,” Orochimaru said standing up before walking to the door. Unlike last night it was open and there was a cart filled with food for them to eat. She wheeled it inside and started placing the food on the table as Sasuke watched.

“Though you won’t be able to do anything unless you eat,” she said sitting down at the table before grabbing a rice ball. “A growing boy like yourself needs a lot to eat. Though if you don’t want to then I guess that I’ll eat everything myself.”

“I don-”


“Fine but just a little,” he said as he embarrassingly sat down across from Orochimaru. And started eating.

“There now isn’t that better,” Orochimaru said as she enjoyed watching her new son eat with an adorable grouchy expression across his face. “Once you’re done eating, we should be able to properly talk about what happened and any questions that you have.”

“Fine,” Sasuke said as they then continued to eat in silence, though Orochimaru couldn’t help herself from peeking at him from time to time.

“Alright there we’re done,” Sasuke said, finishing the plate of food that Orochimaru had prepared for him. “Now tell me everything you know.”

“Well as you know the Uchiha clan was wiped out by your older brother Itachi. Besides him, you are the only survivor. As of now, we are under the protection of the Anbu Black Ops. Other than that, I will officially be your new mother in a few days,” Orochimaru said casually to him.

“What do you mean by that? I have parents!” Sasuke yelled at her. “You can’t replace them!”

“I never said that I would, but I do hope that one day you’ll learn to love me as your real mother,” Orochimaru said to him.

“That will never happen!” Sasuke yelled at her. “I don’t want you to be my mother!”

“I am sorry to hear that,” Orochimaru said, somewhat disappointed that her new son was so resistant to her being his new mother. Hopefully, he would warm up to her soon.

“Though as of now I am the only one that is fit to take care of you,” she said to him. “The third Hokage is dealing with some personal matters, the Anbu are most certainly unfit to raise a child and the rest of the village is too afraid of Itachi to even consider adopting you.”

“Then I’d rather take care of myself than allow myself to be adopted by the likes of you, you big-titted bimbo!” Sasuke yelled at her to her surprise.

“Hmm, what a naughty child you are,” Orochimaru said to him. “Though it’s fine, I can’t blame you for being angry right now. Though I know the perfect thing to lighten up your mood and that’s getting some fresh air! Oh, Danzo~!”

(I have been given permission to use this picture. It was created by Lightsource and can be found here: uchiha sasuke and orochimaru (naruto and 1 more) drawn by lightsource | Danbooru (donmai.us))



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