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“This is lunacy!” Danzo yelled at her. “There is no way that we would ever allow a criminal to take possession of the boy!”

“I agree,” the Third said to Orochimaru.

“While I understand your reasoning, I can assure you that I won’t try anything sketchy,” Orochimaru sad to try and assure them that her intentions for the first time in her life were pure and thought of someone other than herself.

“Though if it makes the two of you feel any better, I would like to call in all the favors that you owe me, and we all know that the both of you owe me, but we won’t go into detail about those. In addition to that, I will agree to remain in the female form of mine for the rest of my life and you may even seal away my chakra if that is what you wish.”

“Why would you go so far?” the Third asked Orochimaru not understanding how someone as selfish as Orochimaru would give up their power for the sake of raising a young boy. It made no sense.

“That’s because more so than power, what I had always wanted was someone to share it with. If I can raise that boy into a strong and valent ninja then it will be worth it. I need to make amends with my daughter as well, but I need to start off somewhere and this is the perfect chance for me.”

“Hmm, well this would have to be done under a trial basis,” the Third said to her.

“You can’t actually believe a word that she is saying now can you!?” Danzo said trying to convince the Third that Orochimaru is up to no good and should be dealt with right here and now.

“Giving her a trial run will help us see if she is actually capable of taking care of the boy. Besides she has made a good point. Neither of us will be able to properly take care of the boy and no one in the village will dare adopt him out of fear that Itachi will kill them as well. She is the only one that would be willing to take care of him and provide the boy with the motherly support that he needs during this time.”

“Fine, but I will assign the Anbu that will watch over them,” Danzo said, reluctantly agreeing with the Third.

“Agreed,” the Third said to Danzo. “Now that we have that settled it’s time to seal away your chakra. Are you sure that you’ll be alright with this? Many have gone mad and have eventually killed themselves by having their chakra sealed away.”

“I’ll be alright,” Orochimaru said to him. “If it’s for him then I know I will be able to manage.”

“Right this way,” the Third said leaving the room with her.

Once they were gone Danzo snapped his fingers, and a white-haired Anbu appeared before him.

“I am sure that you heard everything,” he said to the Anbu. “From now on watching over those two is your top priority. Make sure that she does not leave the village. We will find her labs and take her research to benefit the Leaf. I don’t believe for one second that someone as vile and self-centered as Orochimaru could ever care so much about a boy that she would give up her own chakra for him. This has to be some dark plan that she is working on, and I won’t let her get away with it.”

“Understood,” the white-haired Anbu said before disappearing.

About an hour later Orochimaru and the Third came back into the room. Danzo could instantly feel that she could no longer use her chakra. It would be so simple just to kill her right here and now, though it would seem that the Third was on guard, so he decided not to.

“So, when may I officially adopt him?” Orochimaru asked starting at the sleeping Sasuke through the glass.

“In due time, much paperwork must be done, for both the adoption as well as the dismissal of your crimes, as well as presenting you with a new identity. You can’t go around the village calling yourself Orochimaru after what you did.”

“Fair enough,” Orochimaru said back to him. “Would it be alright then if I use these next few days to get to know him and look around the village for a home for us to live in? I doubt that there will be many that would know that it was me in this form.”

“That is fine, but you shall be escorted by my people when you go out,” the Third said to her. “For tonight you may stay here with the boy. Danzo, make sure that she is comfortable,” he said as he was about to leave. Tonight had been a hard night and he just wanted it to end.

“Oh, sensei,” Orochimaru said to him before he left. “Remember what we talked about, it’s still not too late to make things right. He’s a 6-year-old child and needs attention from his grandfather.”

Once the third was gone, Danzo led Orochimaru back into the room where Sasuke was sleeping before locking them inside together. At least for now he could monitor her and see what her true motives were. Once inside the room, Orochimaru looked lovely at Sasuke before entering his bed and embracing her soon-to-be child in her arms as she fell asleep. Soon their new life as a family shall finally begin.

(I have been given permission to use this picture. It was created by Lightsource and can be found here: uchiha sasuke and orochimaru (naruto and 1 more) drawn by lightsource | Danbooru (donmai.us))



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