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“And her carriage has just arrived,” Jasmine said opening the door to reveal Miss Fontaine.

“Thanks for contacting me,” Miss Fontaine said, entering the room. “It was lucky that I was close by. Alexis, if you would help me put Alice into the car. I heard all about her troublesome sleep habits from your mother, so I made plans for these types of situations.”

“Wait, my mother told you that?” Alexis asked surprised as she helped load Alice into the passenger seat of the car.

“Of course, she did,” Miss Fontaine said smiling at her. “Your mother called me a few days ago while you were on the boat here. She is very worried about both of you and wishes that you would call her often.”

“Thanks,” Alexis said to her, watching Miss Fontaine get into the driver’s side of the car.

“You girls have fun, but don’t have too much fun that you forget to come back before curfew,” Miss Fontaine said loud enough so that Jasmine and Mindy could hear her as well.”

“Don’t worry, I promise that we’ll be back on time,” Alexis said, assuring Miss Fontaine that they would be back on time.

And with that Miss Fontaine started driving back to the Obelisk Blue dorm. When they were about halfway there Alice finally started to wake up.

“Huh? What going on?” she asked, rubbing her eyes to see where she was.

“Don’t worry I’m just taking you back to the dorms. You fell asleep during the party you were at and Jasmine called me to pick you up, though not before sending every girl in Obelisk Blue a picture of this,” she said handing Alice her phone which showed a picture of her fast asleep.”

“No, why would she do this?” Alice asked, her face turning red from embarrassment. She was already gawked at for being a former guy, and this was only going to attract more unwanted attention. She would have to make sure to get her back for this.

“Alright we’re here,” Miss Fontaine said, stopping the car in front of the dorms. “Are you awake enough to make it back to your room, or will you need some help?”

“No thanks,” Alice said back to her. “I should be fine. I’m tired, but I should make it there before passing out.”

“Alright if you say so,” she said as Alice got out of the car. And went into the dorm. The first day of her third year started tomorrow and it was going to start off with a bang!


Matthew Miller

I do love this. I hope there is a hypnosis situation again. Of course she shouldn’t stay that way but still.