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“Oh my, where are my manners?” Jane said, looking straight at Alice. “We’re already in the midst of having a conversation when I have yet to introduce myself. I am Jane Anderson and next to me is my only daughter Juliana Anderson. I do believe that she is a year younger than you.”

“It is a pleasure,” Juliana said, to Alice, a delicate smile was spread across her face. For a moment Alice though that this beautiful girl was an angle come down from heaven.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Alice said back to her.

“It really is a wonder that you were able to teach your daughter so much, in such a small span of time,” Jane said, admiring Alice’s speech and grace. “Excuse my rudeness but she really was an ordinary boy before this?”

“She defiantly was,” Ariana said back to her with pride. Though Alice wondered if that was something that her mother really should be taking pride for?

“That is impressive indeed,” Jane said, concocting a plan inside her head. “You do know my youngest son Jessie is the same age as you Alice. Perhaps we should set up a time for the two of you tow get together.”

“No,” Ariana said, before Jane could go any further. “I know what you’re trying to do, and I won’t allow it.”

“Ariana you and I both know that they would make a good match with one another,” Jane sad trying to convince her friend. “Plus, they both play the same card game, and my son is quite good. He’s even in possession of some of the rarest cards in the game.”

“I cannot for the life of me understand why my family likes such a silly game,” Ariana said, disappointed that her friend was interested in that game as well.

“Ariana you ae to get with the times,” Jane said, trying to convince her friend to give the game a shot. “Two of the wealthiest men in the world both play and run that game. You can’t call it silly if you haven’t tried it.”

“My Jessie could give you a few tips on how to play, or perhaps your daughter. From what I heard she is quite the skilled player herself, but by no means as skilled as skilled as my Jessie. If those two got together I’m certain that they would get along with their mutual interests.”

“Jane I would like to talk to you alone,” Ariana said, starting to get annoyed at Jane. She didn’t want to show such a dark side of herself to either of their daughters. “Alice if you would, please show Juliana around the pond in the back yard. Jane and I will be here for quite a while so don’t mind us.”

“Yes mother,” Alice said, glad that she could get away from this awkward conversation. One more word about this Jessie guy would make her lash out in rage. She didn’t have any plans to be in a relationship with a guy, or at least that would be the case for now. Since the change worrying about sexual interests have been the least of her concerns.

While Alice was instructed to take Juliana to the pond in the back, she was by no means going there in this type of dress. She was already sweating underneath her dress and would not take a second of this any longer.


Matthew Miller

Gotta say I’m surprised that you gave the Andersons the highlight even though the Phoenixes were right there. Aster and Chazz were the rich ones if I remember but this is no means an unwelcomed one. I can’t wait to see the two meet.


Jessie is a very important character for Alice