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“I’ll do it,” Alice said. Her father’s words rang true in her head. She needed to accept the fact that there will be people out there that will hate her for who she is. She was lucky enough to have people surround her in both Duel Academy and the Rhodes family. It was time that she started putting more effort into living as Alice instead of trying to force herself to be Jaden. He would always be a part of her, but that doesn’t mean that she has to force herself to be him.

“Though I get to decide when enough is enough. If mother can’t accept that then I won’t do it.”

“I think that I can convince her,” Adrian, said happy to see that his daughter was willing to make this change. It would be hard for her, but her family would be there every step of the way.

“Okay, so who’s up for another round?” Adrian asked, trying to lighten the mood. “Your mother is asleep right now and we got all night to play. I know that there are many more tricks to that deck of yours and I won’t stop until I figure them all out.”

“Hah, you’re on!” Alice said jumping to her feet.

Bonding over dueling, what an interesting pair this father and daughter make. Alice’s journey is far from over. Many trials await her in the future from both friend and foe. Will Alice be able to overcome them on her own, or will she need help from a mysterious person tied to her through a thread of fate? Only time can tell, so stay tuned for the return of the Supreme Queen will soon be upon us.
