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“I can’t believe I lost,” I said, falling to her knees. She hasn’t lost a duel since she was against Aster. How was this possible?

“It was a good duel,” Adrian said, holding out his hand for his daughter. “I haven’t had that much fun in a while. You are exactly like Alexis described you.”

“Thanks,” Alice said, taking his hand. “The duel was fun for me as well. I would love to go again.”

“I would as well, but I do believe that there is the matter of settling your debt. You do owe me one favor.”

“Please don’t tell me that you want me to wear a dress or something like that,” Alice said, hoping that everyone in this family didn’t all have the same urge to dress her up.

“Nothing of the sort,” he said as they walked over to the couch in his study to take a break. “Though you will have to dress up, it would hurt your mother's pride if you didn’t.”

“What do you mean?” Alice asked confused by what he was asking.

“I know that dealing with someone as eccentric as your new mother is challenging, but she does mean well. After tonight’s incident, I’m sure that you can tell that I am telling you the truth.”

“She’s always wanted a cute little girl to raise, and it was a bit disappointing for her while Alexis was growing up because she was so refined and mature for her age. After seeing you she lost her sense of reason.”

“To be honest I did as well. After hearing about your situation I was shocked even more than your mother. I distance myself from my kids because emotions have never been my strong suit. Though with you I felt as if I may have distanced myself too much from you when we chatted over the phones.”

“To be honest I did have a brief moment that I thought it would have been better for you not to come here for the summer. Many members of the Rhodes family seem to view you as a freak, and despite how I reacted at the party I initially found you off-putting. Though after getting to know you I realized that I was wrong. You are so much more than your appearance. I could see the light inside of you every time we talked.”

“The reason why your mother insists that you dress up and act more feminine is that she believed that it would help you. The fewer people that know about your past the better, but that can only be hidden for so long. There will be a time when everyone knows, and after what happened at the party it will be sooner rather than later.”

“You need to be ready to show them that you are the freak they think you are. Show them that you are a refined lady of the Rhodes family. For that reason, I want to use my one favor from you to ask that you give your mother another chance and follow her teachings. Heck, you might even come to find that you enjoy some of it. So what do you say?”


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