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“Are you two alright?” Adrian asked as he helped Ariana and Alice up.

“Thank you,” Alice nervously said to him. She was really scared when Adam attacked her. She actually feared for her life.

“Wahhhhhhhha!” Alice began to break down in tears, from the shock of what just happened. She’s been in many dangerous situations before, but this was the first one that she felt truly scared.

“It’s okay,” Ariana said, embracing Alice. “I’m here. I promise that he’s gone now. There is nothing left to fear.”

“Alice are you alright!?” Alexis and Atticus ran over to see how she was doing. They were too late to stop their great uncle, but they would make sure that they were there for her now.

“A bit bruised up, but I think that she’ll be alright,” Adrian said, clenching his fist. He was mad at himself for what happened. If he’d been there when Adam walked in then this could have been avoided. It was his fault that his wife and daughter were hurt.

Adam wanted to threaten his family, then he’d better be prepared to be living on the streets soon. Adrian planned to use all of his resources and connections to make Adam wish he was never born.

“Everyone I am sorry that you had to witness that,” Adrian said to the entire room. “Adam has been dealt with and the party will take a brief pause for now. As you may have heard Alice was originally a boy but is now a girl.”

“While the reasoning behind this is a bit hard to explain, I will say this here and now. If anyone of you has a problem with my daughter leave. I will not tolerate any prejudice against her. If you or anyone in your family dares tries to harm her, my wife, or my other children I will make sure that you rue the day you decided to cross me.”

Upon his statement, several of the people at the party left. None of them wanted a thing to do with Alice now. They were vain and greedy. They couldn’t see past who she once was from who she is now. Such people existed all over the world, and such people were scum to Adrian.

“Ariana, you and Alexis take Alice back to another room to rest for a while. She’s been through a lot. Atticus and I shall deal with the backlash of what just happened.”

“Thank you dear,” Ariana said to her husband. Right now he was shining bright in her eyes. Though giving him a reward would have to wait, what matters the most right now was Alice’s wellbeing.


Matthew Miller

Adrian the MVP! Fuck those who are bigots in the Rhodes family!