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“Mina please hand Alice one of her cards,” Ariana said while looking for another outfit for Alice to wear.

“Yes ma’am,” Mina said as she handed her Winged Dolly Kuriboh.

“That goodness you’re alright,” Alice said as she hugged her card. I don’t know what I would have done if you were hurt.

“Well I’m glad that you’re happy,” said Ariana as she pulled out a fairy costume next. “Now put that silly card down and let’s continue where we left off.”

Alice was determined to get all of her cards back no matter what she had to do. Her pride as a man meant nothing if she couldn’t defend those she loved.

From there Alice was forced to wear costume to costume. Each time she was instructed to perform a certain action and line for whatever she was wearing. Overall it was the most humiliating thing that she had ever done in her entire life.

By the time that they reached the maid uniform two hours had passed and Alice was ready to cry. Each costume broke her will down, bit by bit, as her mommy, no wait mother, enjoy every part of it. After having to call her mommy for the past two hours it was tarting to stick, much to Alice’s dismay.

“Welcome back mistress,” Alice said with a bow, which met Mina’s expectations. “Would you like dinner, a bath, or… me?”

Alice’s face was bright red as she said that last line. Thanks to her mother and Mina’s expectations for this costume this wasn’t even the first time that she had to say this line. Alice was so embarrassed that she couldn’t say it properly until now. All she wanted to do right now was run out of the room and hide under the covers of her bed.

“Very good,” Ariana said happily that her daughter was finally beginning to comply with her wishes. “Mina, if you would, please give her another card.”

Mina gave Alice another card which Alice put on the small shoe box next to her. It was then that she saw that Mina only had one card left. It was Doll Joint Hero Nea, her ace monster!

“What a shame that time went by so fast,” Ariana said, disappointed that they would soon have to end, but there was still one last costume that would be sure to break Alice’s spirit. Oh and there was also that fact that they would be doing this every single day for the rest of Alice’s summer vacation.

“Mommy, I have done what you asked,” said Alice now once again determined to get her last card back. And once she did she would make sure that they were put in a safe place until she would be allowed to duel again. “Now bring on the last costume, I can take it!”

“Oh my, what an admirable spirit you have there,” she said as she snapped her fingers for Mina to bring the final costume.

Mina left the room, which confused Alice, but she was ready for whatever her mother had waiting for her. She would not lose this duel of wills! Though in hindsight she should have none that no one could beat Ariana because she is the strongest opponent that Alice would ever face.

Once Mina came back Alice looked to see that she was holding a giant pink box in her arms. Alice’s composure started to break as Mina slowly walked over and placed the box at her feet.

“Alright my dear Alice,” said Ariana. “So far you have been quite the good little girl. Obeying your mommy and doing what I ask. I can only assume that you are prepared for what’s in this box.”

“I am! Bring it on!” Alice said, in one final yell of defiance. Though her spirit soon broke the moment that Ariana opened the box.


Matthew Miller

I got it a ballerina outfit or a bikini. Those would be close to demeaning to me. Unless it is being a princess. That could crush her.


I can only tell you that you're close. I can't say if you're right or wrong since that would ruin the fun.