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Ariana didn’t want to torment Alice like this, but she didn’t have a choice. She knew that deep down there was an obedient little girl inside for her just waiting to be let out. If she had to force her daughter to obey her then so be it.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” Alice said in despair. Ariana knew what Alice valued most and was using it against her. There was nothing else that Alice could do but comply.

“Good,” Ariana said with a bright smile as she clapped her hands together. “No put this on first,” she said as she handed Alice the magical girl cosplay.

“Yes mother,” Alice said as she went to grab the costume, but Ariana wouldn’t let go of it.

“Yes, mommy,” Alice said as her face turned red. She couldn’t believe that as a sixteen-year-old girl she would be calling her new mother mommy! If any of the guys saw this they would definitely laugh at her.

“That’s a good girl!” Ariana said with joy. Having her new daughter understand her place was the first step in raising her to be a proper doll, I mean young lady.

Ariana’s true thoughts may have slipped out a bit there, but Alice wouldn’t know that now would she. Though Mina knew without a doubt what Ariana was like and wasn’t planning on stopping here either.

Once Alice was fully changed, she walked out in front of them holding the hem of her skirt down. Her face was bright red as she was unable to hide her Winged Dolly Kuriboh themed panties as her skirt was too short.

“Oh my!” Ariana gasped after seeing how cute Alice was. “You look adorable!”

“It’s too short,” Alice whined, but Ariana didn’t care. Alice was the spitting image of a magical girl.

“Say the line!” Ariana said excitedly as Mina held up a notecard for Alice to read. “And remember you promised to do whatever I wanted.”

As Alice read the card her face became even more flushed. She didn’t want to say it but she could tell that Ariana was serious about her threat.

“Stop Right There Evil Doer! Magical Girl Alice Has Arrived To Save The Day! In The Name Of All Things Cute And Fluffy I Shall Punish You!”

“Eeeeekkk!” Ariana squealed with joy. “That was amazing! It was almost as if you were a real magical girl!”

While Ariana expressed her joy openly Mina stood there silently watching the adorable little girl, and taking several dozen pictures as well. They had only just started but she might have to replace the SD card in her camera soon.

“There I did it,” Alice said as she turned away from Ariana and Mina. She was too embarrassed by what she did. The only good thing was that no one outside of this room would see this; right?

Little did Alice know that most of these photos would be uploaded to the Rhodes Family Facebook and Twitter accounts. Though that is another story for another day. For now, it would be best to focus on how cute Alice was and what other costumes Ariana had planned for her daughter to wear.


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