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“It’s alright Miss Alice, your sister informed us of all your specific habits, and we will make sure that you feel as comfortable as possible.”

“Alexis told you!” Alice yelled, while her face became even more flushed. “How did she know?”

“It’s alright Miss, we who serve the Rhodes family will not fault you for what you like. Now we mustn’t waste any more time. Let me help you get dressed and then I will lead you to the dining room.”

Alice reluctantly let Mina help her change, though she couldn’t help being embarrassed. The only other people who have seen her nude body were Miss Fontaine and Alexis. Having a woman who she just met see her in her undergarments was really embarrassing.

Once she was finally changed Mina escorted Alice out of her room and to the dining room. When they entered Alice was shocked to see that the dining room was almost as big as the one in the Obelisk blue.

Siting at the table was an older-looking man with dark brown hair, most likely in his mid-forties. He wore a fancy suit and had a stern look across his face. This was Adrian Rhodes, Alice’s new father.

She’s only met him through video calls so far, and they haven’t talked much. It was hard for Alice to tell what he was thinking about. Though based on his looks she doubted that he would be very kind to his adopted daughter.

Sitting to his right was a lovely woman wearing a stunning blue dress. Based on her looks she looked almost exactly like Alexis. In fact, she looked like she could be Alexis’ older sister, but the truth was she was her mother, Ariana Rhodes. And despite her looks, she was forty, though if she ever asked it was always best to say that she was thirty.

During their video chats with one another Alice learned that Ariana was a very kind and energetic mother. While she tried to hide it, her true personality always seemed to show after the first few minutes into their conversations.

While Alice was happy that she got along with Ariana, she was a bit scared of her. From what Alexis told her, Ariana had a habit of dressing up Alexis when she was younger. While Alexis and Alice may be the same age, Alice’s appearance was far younger and exactly to Ariana’s taste.

Across from Ariana sat Atticus Rhodes, her new older brother. After the incident, Alexis contacted Atticus and informed him what had happened to Jaden/Alice. For three whole months, he tried to research a way of turning Alice back, but it was no use.

The shadow magic that afflicted him was different than the one that afflicted Alice. Nightshroud was created through a malefic form of shadow magic. It was one that tried to control and destroy him. Such was the shadow magic that he had knowledge of.

On the other hand, the shadow magic that afflicted Alice was much different. While it was created through resentment the moment that it was transferred into Jaden’s body turning him into Alice it was as if it was purified.

The magic neither harms Alice nor tries to control her body. To call it shadow magic may not be the correct term for it anymore. It would take some more time before he even became close to figuring out how to turn Alice back to normal. Though the longer that she remains in this form, the less likely it is that she may want to return to being Jaden.


Matthew Miller

I think I can see with Ariana where this is going. And I love it.