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Once the duel was accepted Jaden and Crowler were brought to the duel arena, where a crowd had already been formed. It would seem that Crowler like always wanted to make a scene out of all this.

“It’s time to show you why I have a Ph.D. in dueling,” Crowler said as two students helped him put his duel vest on.

“Get your game on,” said Jaden using her famous catchphrase.

“How dare you mock me with that insolent catchphrase!” Crowler yelled as he took the first turn.

From there the duel went pretty fast. Crowler easily summoned his Ancient Gear Golem to the field. It would seem that he wasn’t going to give Jaden a chance to win.

Jaden knew that she was always ready for a duel, but the problem that she was facing at the moment was her deck. Ever since she lost her deck had changed, and not just in terms of appearances or names of her cards. It would seem that each of them had new effects along with them.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to think up a proper strategy and Crowler managed to bring her down to 100 life points.

“Make your final move girl,” said Crowler with a smug grin. “Once your turn is over I’ll make sure that I show everyone the fake you are! Did you really think that you could be Jaden Yuki with that pathetic excuse for a deck? Your monsters are weak and it’s obvious that you don’t know how to use them. Just give up already!”

For a second Jaden actually believed Crowler’s words, but that doubt soon vanished as she drew her card. Winged Dolly Kuriboh. Upon looking at the card she was filled with hope, because thanks to last night she knew exactly how to use this card.

“I summon Winged Dolly Kuriboh, and activate its effect!” Jaden yelled with a smile across her face.

“You must have truly given in to despair,” said Crowler. “That monster has no attack points. What effect could it possibly have that could help you?”

“Winged Dolly Kuriboh’s effect allows it to gain 500 attack points for each card with the word doll in its name for the first turn that it is summoned! And do you know how many cards with doll in their name that I have in my graveyard?”

“How many?” Crowler asked nervously.

“I have a total of twelve cards in my graveyard, giving my Kuriboh a total of 6000 attack points! Unfortunately, though because of its effect it is only allowed to attack my opponent and is not allowed to attack any of their monsters.”

“Hah, so you failed!” Crowler screamed with joy.

“That would be the case if I didn’t have this card, Clean-Up Time!” By removing four cards with doll in its name from play I can have my Kuriboh attack you directly, removing all 4000 of your life points!”

“This cannot beeeeeeee!” Crowler screamed as a glittery pink beam shot out of Kuriboh’s mouth hitting him directly, losing the duel.

As Crowler dropped to his knees he knew that the girl before him was Jaden. It was painfully obvious after witnessing her pull out the exact card that she needed to win the duel.

The crowd applauded the girl for winning, but only a few of them in the crowd actually knew that she was Jaden. Though Jaden didn’t care about that. What mattered was that she proved who she really was.


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