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“So glad of you join us,” said Aqua girl as Bee stood there in shock. “If you would please take the seat next to miss Dahl so we may begin.”

Bee quietly walked over to where Mary was sitting and sat down next to her. There they both gave each other a small smile as they listened to Aqua girl.

“Let me be one of the first to say congratulations on being accepted into our fine school. Each one of you has unique talents that will be used to help the world. It is our duty as teachers to make sure that you learn to harness your powers for the greater good.”

“I sure that a few of you know already, but each one of you will be assigned personal tutors who are best suited to train you. This will be in addition to your regular education. Though for two of you I am sure that this will be nothing more than a nuisance.”

Aqua girl looked right at Mary and Bee when she said that, but the other students didn’t seem to realize that. Conor and Limmy were busy talking with each other while Milagro was keeping her head down.

“Okay, let’s get started!” Aqua girl said with a smile.

From there the first half of the day went pretty fast for Bee and Mary. Between the two of them everything they were learning was child’s play. Even for Milagro it was simple enough. Bee assumed that it had to be due to the scarabs influence.

From there Bee was led to where her first tutor was. She was lead to Damien. Unfortunately for her she wasn’t the only one there. Along with several other students that she saw earlier in the day there was also Connor Hawke.

“What the heck are you doing here baby? This class is only for those that know how to fight. Not someone like you. We don’t need your prissy little magic here.”

“Agreed,” said Damien as he stepped forward. “Magic and all other powers are forbidden in this room. All that matters here is strength and skill.”

“Mr. Robin it is an honor to meet you!” yelled Connor as he was fawning over Damien. “You are so amazing! To be trained by both the League of Assassins as well as Batman; you’re a legend!”

“Quiet. I don’t care for kiss asses. Now shut up and listen.” Damien walked Bee and Conner to an empty spot in the room and made them face each other.

“As I said, all that matters here is strength and skill. Prove to me that you are worth my time.”

“Sir?” Connor was confused, but Bee understood what he wanted her to do. She took a ready stance and waited for the signal.

“What? Is there a problem?” “Sir, she’s a girl. I can’t fight a girl.” “Pathetic. A warrior doesn’t care about gender. A true warrior is trained not to see gender. To hesitate because one is a girl is a weakness.”

“But sir, she’s just a girl and she only knows magic. There’s no way that she can fight me.” “And who says that she can’t fight? Begin!”

Within a few seconds after that Connor found himself on him ass with a bloody nose! Bee’s expression had turned dark for a second, but it returned to normal after she realized what she did.

“I’m sorry!” se said as she tried to help Connor up, but he smacked her hand away, and walked away.

“So it would seem that your instincts are still there,” said Damien as he looked at her. “It looks like I will still be able to salvage you.”

“Damien, you shouldn’t have had do that,” Bee said back to him, furious at herself for letting her instincts take over. “He’s just a child.”

“And so was I. At his age I was already sparing against League of Assassin members. He shouldn’t be given any freebies. Life isn’t fair. If it was my father wouldn’t have run away from who he was.”

“Damien, that’s not true! I was given this chance!” “A chance to be a coward! Batman never needed magic to fight his battles and neither will you. I will make sure to train you that you will never need magic to win a fight!”


“Dismissed!” Damien yelled at Bee as he walked away. It would seem that trying to mend their relationship would take more time than Bee initially thought.


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