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“This school is one for those with special talents just like us. Each one of us were either raised by hero’s or adopted to be enrolled in this school. Here we will train to develop our talents and grow as hero’s.”

“For example my power is my higher-level intelligence. In addition to that let’s just say that I have a way with boys. I’m assume that your power is similar to mine.”

“Why do you say that?” Bee asked.”

“Well, for one, it’s because you’re the first person to talk to me like this.” “Oh, that’s a different reason,” said Bee hoping that she wouldn’t have to Mary that she was once Batman. “I’m currently learning to use magic. My mother’s teaching me.”

“That’s so cool! Does that mean that your mom’s Zatanna?” “How did you know?” Bee asked confused.

“We’ll it’s obvious isn’t it? There aren’t that many female sorceress out there and everyone knows that Raven’s kid is a year older than us.”

“This is so cool! I can’t believe that my first friend is the daughter if the Zatanna! She is by far my favorite super hero!”

“She is?” “Of course she is! I mean who wouldn’t like to use magic? I want to learn so bad, but my dad won’t let me. He doesn’t believe in magic. He says that it’s just a form of science that has yet to be proven.”

“Who’s your dad?” Bee asked, now curious about her father. “Oh, my dad’s Mr. Terrific. It’s nothing big or anything.”

“You’re dad’s Mr. Terrific! He’s the third smartest person on the planet!” Bee yelled out in excitement. Even as Bruce Wayne, Bee admired Mr. Terrific. Just like Batman, he had no powers, but choose to fight crime anyway. It was a different method than Batman, but still it was effective.

“But wait, isn’t he-”

“Don’t worry, I’m not his biological daughter, but he still dots on me like I am. Dad’s pretty cool and he’s teaching method is very unique. I guess one of the reason that he adopted me was because I can actually understand what he’s saying.”

“Though it kind of sucks not having a mom. He may be the third smartest person on the planet, but when it comes to buying me clothes, he has me do it since last time he bought me a lab coat.”

“I wish I could buy my own clothes,” said Bee as she tugged down on her skirt. I like the color pick, but I’m not used to bright clothes like this. I’m used to something that’s a bit darker.”

“Well I think you look cute, plus that little package of yours makes you look that much more adorable!” she said as she pointed down to Bee’s diaper.

“You can see it!” Bee said in shock and embarrassment.

“Well of course I can,” Mary said as tears started to form in Bee’s eyes. “Oh wait, there’s no need to cry,” she said as she tried to calm Bee down. “I need them too,” she said as she lifted up the hem of her dress to reveal that she was also wearing a diaper.

“You need it as well?” Bee asked while trying to calm down. “Yeah. There’s no need to be ashamed by it, we’re only four years old there are going to be some of us that still need them. Don’t let it get you down.”

“Besides, if anyone tries to make fun of you for it I’ll make sure that they regret it. No one will get any with making my friend cry!”

“Friend” “Of course you’re my friend! I already said it before, so don’t forget it this time. From today onwards you and I are going to be best friends!”


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