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“Mom stop it,” said Bee as she tried to break away from Zatanna's grasp. Though she knew all too well that was fruitless endeavor. In her current state there was no way that she could break free from her mother’s grasp.

It has been over a year since Bruce Wayne was turned into Bee Zatara. At first the change was for scary for her. Acknowledging the fact that she could no longer fight crime or defend Gotham like she wanted to, devastated her.

All she ever wanted to do was be a hero; someone that would defend the weak and protect them so that they wouldn't end up like Bruce Wayne did. She wanted to make sure that no one had to experience the same pain that she did. Though for now she had to accept the fact that she couldn’t help anyone in her current state.

For now all that mattered was growing up to become a greater hero than she was before. With the support from her friends, and family she's able to learn that this was her chance; a chance she never had. This new life of hers was a chance to relive a new life in the best possible sense, as well as regain a family that she once lost. Though it was still left uncertain if this new life will have a more cheerful future than her last.

“Bee, stop fussing young lady, or else do you want me to force you?” Zatanna said as she scolded Bee. Ever since her change Bee has been very fussy when she has to go out in public. Though that would end today as her little angel would be going to her first day of school!

“Mom do I really have to wear these?” Bee asked while giving Zatanna puppy dog eyes.

“Yes you do,” Zatanna said firmly. “Those braces are there to help you learn how to pronounce spells. It takes years, and years of practice to get to a level where you can do it without them. Though eventually there will become a point where you will be able to do it unconsciously.”

“This is part of your training gear. If you want to be a proper sorceress when you grow up you must learn the proper way. I took no shortcuts in my training, and neither will you. I don't care if you look dorky for a while we all have to go through this phase.”

“It’s not that,” Bee said as her face turned red. She pointed down to a lower body to reveal she was still wearing a diaper under her pink skirt. Even after this entire year Bee was still dependent on her diaper. Though whether this was due to her still getting used to her new body, an after effect of the spell used to turn her into her current form or perhaps a new spell created by Zatanna has still yet to be found out.

“Bee we talked about this,” said Zatanna as she put her hand on Bee’s head. “You know for a fact that you still can't control your bladder properly. Until we are for certain that you can, you’ll still have to wear them. It’s for the best. Besides you wouldn’t want to have any accidents at school now would you?”

“Mom the other kids are going to make fun of me!” Bee yelled as tears started to form in her eyes. “Please don’t make me go to school like this! I'm begging you at least use a concealment charm or something!”

“Bee remember our promise. If you want no one to be able to see them then you’ll have to learn the spell yourself. If I do it for you you’ll never learn.”

“Mom that spell is an eighth level magic! I can only do third level magic right now! Please just this once! I promise that I won’t ask you again!”

“Bee I am very happy that you're at the level you’re at right now, but as I said there can be no shortcuts. When I was your age all I could do were second level spells. Your progress is faster than most kids your age, but that still doesn’t mean that you get special treatment.”

“But mom if I go to school l like this the other kids going to make fun of me! Please don't do this to me! No one's going be there protect me, I'm scared!"

“Shh. It's okay dear,” said Zatanna as she hugged Bee, comforting her child. “I know that you're not used to being near new people right now, but we have to help you grow. You need to learn how to interact others and make new connections, new friends that you can bond with in the future.”

“But I don't want to bond with any of those kids. They're all too young for me.”

“Bee if you haven't you’re only four years old right now. It's a miracle that you're even allowed to enter kindergarten. Now on that bus young lady or am I going to use a spell to force you on?”


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