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Late at night while Naruto slept he was met with a peculiar visitor. Through his window slide in what looked like a living white blob. It slowly crawled it’s way up to Naruto’s bed and then laid on top of him.

Throughout the night the white blob began to seep into Naruto’s body. Naruto shifted and turned in his sleep, but it did nothing to stop what was to come.

The next morning Naruto awoke with a new found energy. Usually he would wake up and pass out for the next hour, but today he felt like he was working with a hundred percent.

As he got dressed he began to hum himself a tune that he had never hummed before, but he didn’t notice anything strange by that. He continued on with his morning routine until he headed out for the day.

Today he was to meet with Sakura and the rest of the girls since they would help him pick out a present for Hinata’s birthday. When he got there everybody was already waiting for him.

As they lead him through the shops that they knew Hinata liked he noticed that his eyes were more drawn towards the girls than they were what they were showing him. It was as if he was draw to them.

“They smell delicious.”

Naruto turned around to see who said that, but there was no one there.

“Did I just imagine that?” he asked himself as he rejoined the others.

“Go on have a taste.”

The voice came back and by the time that he noticed what he was doing he was sniffing Sakura’s hair!

“Naruto what the fuck are you doing!” Ino yelled as she pushed him away from Naruto. “Get away from her you freak!”

“Wait, what?” Confused by what just happened Naruto wanted to explain himself, but the other girls didn’t even give him a chance.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” “We tried to help you, so you think it’s okay to sniff our hair?” “What a pervert.” “Does my sister know about this fetish of yours?”

“Wait it’s not-”

“Eat them,” the voice said once again. “You want to taste them; I know you do. Don’t resist.”

“It’s just that you girls smelled so nice that I thought that I could buy some perfume like that for Hinata.”

“If you wanted to know you could have just asked,” said Sakura as she handed him a bottle of perfume. “Hinata likes this kind of perfume. Give her this,” she said as her and the other girls left him alone.

“Too bad, you let them get away,” said the voice which was coming from what Naruto now realized to be his own head!

Naruto ran to the bathroom and looked the door. As he faced the mirror that was when it happened. Out from his body came Kaguya Otsutsuki or at least a slimly/blobby looking version of her. The only difference besides that from her real form was that her voluptuous curves were now gone.

“Well you certainly missed the chance to partake in such a fine feast laid out before you.”

“How are you here!?” Naruto yelled as he tried to ripped Kaguya off of him, but it wouldn’t work.

“It matters not for how I am here, what matters is the opportunity you had to feast, but didn’t. I am more than disappointed in you.”

“Shut up! I would never eat my friends! I’m not a cannibal!”

“My dear I do believe that you are mistaken I don’t mean that I want you to physically eat them, but more so sexually eat them.”

“No, that’s still wrong! I love Hinata! There is no way that I would ever have sex with anyone besides her!”

“So, pure and so naive. I guess that I will have to show you the fun it is to do things my way!”

The Kaguya slime/blob covered Naruto’s body and shaped it into her image. Within second Naruto was no more and she was now Kaguya. Her hair was now white, and her skin was gray. In place of a third eye was a red rinnegan and two horns sat firmly on her head.

Her chest had expanded to the point to where she now had j-cup breast and thick bouncy bubble butt! Her body screamed to be pleasured, but the Kaguya symbiote was now in control and she was going to help Naruto give Hinata the best birthday gift of them all!


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