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After carefully roaming the halls to make sure no one was around, Jaune, Yang, and Ruby made their way to Professor Ozpin’s office. Though on their way they were almost got caught by Glenda who was making her rounds to check for any students that were skipping class.

“This is peculiar, I don’t believe that I had any scheduled appointments today,” said Ozpin as elevator to his office binged. As it opened Ozpin was surprised to see Yang Xiao Long walk out the elevator with an interesting looking red-haired girl as well as what looked like her twin.

“My, my, my, it looks like you lot have gotten yourself in a precocious situation now haven’t you,” he said as he took a sip of coffee from his mug.

“Professor Ozpin you have to help us!” yelled Ruby as she ran over to Ozpin’s desk.

“Miss excuse me for asking but who are you? I don't believe you're one of my students.” “Professor it's me Ruby Rose can't you tell?” “Oh my it looks like you've aged quite a bit Miss Rose.”

“Not only that but it would seem that there is another Miss Xiao Long with the both of you as well. Is this perhaps due to some semblance of one of the other students?”

“Not quite Professor,” said Yang as she walked up to the desk. “The person next to me isn't a duplicate or clone, this right here is Jaune Arc.”

“Hi Professor,” said John in a meek voice as he waved his hand slightly to Ozpin.

“So the one standing to your right Miss Xiao Long is none other than Mr. Arc? I’m sorry to say this, but I find this hard to believe. If this is some sort of practical joke I’m not impressed and the three of you will serve detention for this.”

“It’s not a joke!” yelled Jaune as he could no longer hold back his frustration. “Professor this is real!”

“Jaune calm down,” said Yang as she began to push him away from Ozpin’s desk. “No, it’s not okay! We come to him for help, and he won’t even believe us! This is bullshit!”

“Professor, Jaune’s right,” said Ruby. “We aren’t lying.” “Fine, then please enlighten me of what happened. If what you tell me is true I’ll help you.”

“Earlier while John and I were out doing it our class assignment for team leaders together we encountered a Grimm that we never seen before. While fighting it we noticed that was weaker than other Grimm’s, but it was much faster. We couldn't land a proper hit on it then as wesarted to lose our stamina it shoot some weird pink Mist at us.”

“Before we could react we had already begun to inhale it and next thing you know we passed out. When we finally woke up we were already like this.”

“Interesting. It would seem that the two of you encountered that Grimm, how unfortunate for the both of you.”

“What do you need mean by that?” asked Ruby. “The Grimm that you encountered is one of the rarest Grim of them all. Usually they’re not even found in Vale. These Grimm are usually located in the Dark Continent.”

“The Dark Continent professor?” “The dark continent is where the majority of Grimm are located. It is a land that not even the bravest Huntsmen or Huntresses dare enter. It’s a place of pure evil and it is the only place that the Grimm that you faced is born.”

“Statistically speaking for every 1 million Grimm there is one Grimm known as the Grimm of Desire.” “The Grim of Desire?” asked Yang as she opened her mouth without even realizing it.

“Why is it called the Grimm of Desire?” asked Jaune who calmed down just enough to rejoin the conversation. “The Grimm of Desire is called that because that’s exactly what it is,” said Ozpin. “It will grant the opponent it’s greatest desire whether they know what it is or not.

“While the two of you were fighting it let me ask you this; what thoughts were going through your mind at the time? It is said that one’s desire surfaces during conflict.”

“While I was fighting I couldn’t do anything against the Grimm. No matter how skilled I was it wasn’t enough. I kept thinking how weak I was in my current state that I couldn’t defeat a single Grimm. I wondered if in the future I would become stronger,” said Ruby.

“For me it was a bit different,” said Jaune. “Unlike Ruby who was actually fighting the Grimm I basically did nothing. At that time I thought that if I was someone like Yang than maybe o could support Ruby better. As Jaune Arc I couldn’t do anything but get in her way. I thought that it would be better if I was someone else.”

“It’s exactly as I thought,” said Ozpin. “Your desires were noticed by the Grimm of Desire. As a result it granted you exactly what you hoped for and in turn that is what resulted in your new forms.”

“What do you mean new forms?” asked Jaune as he was starting to put everything together. “There is a way for us to turn back, isn’t there?”

“Well there is one way to turn the both of you back, but I have only ever seen it done once before. I’m afraid though that since there is two of you it may be near impossible.”

“Professor what do you mean?” asked Ruby. “I mean in order to fix your situation you have to find that Grimm again. But not just once, you have to find it twice, because in order to reverse the affects you need them to create the antidote and unfortunately only one antidote can be made from a single Grimm.”

“Not to mention that these Grimm are extremely rare. There is a high chance that you’ll never encounter this type of Grimm ever again. You were lucky just to have encountered it.”

“No, no, no, no!” yelled Jaune as he started to panic. “Please no, I don’t want to be stuck like this! I can’t be stuck like this!”

“Mr. Arc calm down,” said Ozpin, but that only made things worse. “No, not again! Never again! I can’t go back I won’t go back! The makeup, the dresses, not again! This is game over isn’t it. I should have never come here; my life is over!”

“Mr. Arc calm down. I do have a solution for the both of you if you were willing to listen I can explain it to you.” “No, no, no! There’s nothing you can do to fix this! My parents are going to kill me when they find out! If my sisters find out it’ll be even worse! The things that they’ll do, I have to run. Yes that’s the only way! I have to run and never look back!” Jaune was on the verge of a mental breakdown knowing that he couldn’t turn back. In fact he was damn near close to it.

“Miss Xiao Long will you please calm Mr. Arc down?” asked Professor Ozpin as he figured that it would be best to continue this conversation with Jaune after he regained his composure.

“Yes Professor,” said Yang as she punched Jaune right in the gut causing him to go limp.


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