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“Huh what's going on?” asked Naruto to himself as he woke up in a bed with a groggy feeling across his body. The last thing he remembered was fighting alongside Sasuke and Sakura against Kaguya.

During the battle Kaguya blinded them all and then the next thing he knew he woke up here. Though by the looks of it Naruto didn’t even know where “here” was.

As Naruto tried to get up out of the bed he noticed for some reason that his sense of balance different. As he looked down he saw that there was a huge pair H-cup breasts located on his chest!

“What the heck is!” he screamed as he tripped trying to get out of the bed, landing on his now soft bubble butt. As Naruto struggled to stand up he notice that the room he was in wasn’t his own room. It looked like it belonged to his parents from that alternate world that he went to.

Naruto then began to panic. He was in a room he didn’t know about, Sasuke and Sakura were missing and to make matters worse he was stuck in this weirdly seductive form!

In his panicked state he managed to find a body shaped mirror one of the doors of the room. Looking at the mirror he noticed that he didn’t even slightly resemble his old self. His skin color had turned gray, while his eyes were this enchanting rainbow color, almost as if he was looking into a kaleidoscope.

In addition that his hair had turned pitch white, while his nails were painted a deep black and his lips were a creamy brown. Though that wasn’t even the scariest part about all of this. On top of his, no her head were three fully grown horns. One was gold, the other silver and the final one was bronze. Naruto looked just like Kaguya, but thicker.

Out of curiosity Naruto went to touch the horns and found that they were extremely sensitive! By touching just one of them a wave of pleasure was sent across her entire body! Naruto tried to remain calm, but with her state of mind in shambles right now in addition to her heightened sensitivity, she began to pleasure herself!

After several minutes of pleasuring herself, Naruto notice that the door to the room was slight open and on the other side was revealed to be Kaguya looking at her with a seductive look.

“My, my, it looks like someone has begun to enjoy their new form,” she said as she slowly walked into the room. Embarrassed to be seen Naruto quickly grabbed the blanket from the bed and covered herself up.

As Kaguya walked in she noticed that Kaguya’s body had changed as well. While she was still a female, her body type was now similar to Sakura’s, expect for the fact that Kaguya’s ass was flat. What had happened to her?

“Now, now, my adorable little sister, there is no need to hide from me.” “St-ay b-ack!” Naruto tried to yell at Kaguya, but all she managed to was stutter. Scared and unable to fight back Naruto waited for the worst, but it never came. Instead she felt the tender hand of Kaguya begin to stroke her head.

“It’s alright, no one is going to hurt you,” she said to Naruto with a loving smile.

“Y-ou prom-ise?” Naruto asked while still unable to hold back her stuttering.

“Shh, it’s alright, big sister will always be there for you. Now let’s see if we can get you into something more comfortable,” she said as she opened up the closet and dresser to reveal multiple sets of a white kimono with black stripes on the collar sleeves for each arm as well as six yellow tomoe. Three red tomoe were on the chest and nine blue tomoe were on bottom of the dress. It was basically a carbon copy of the dress that Kaguya wore.

After Kaguya helped her get dressed she sat Naruto down on the bed. “You may be confused, but rest assured that this was always meant to happen. We were destined to be with one another since the day you were born, you are my other half, my soulmate.”

“Soulmate?” Naruto was still confused as well as scared. So much had happened in such a little time and now Kaguya is telling her that their soulmates. How could someone like her even think of being in a relationship with someone as perfect as Kaguya.

Before she even realized it Naruto was already being drawn to Kaguya. Indecent thought flooded her mind as she resisted the urge to touch her. Naruto tried to turn her head away from Kaguya, but Kaguya wasn’t about to let her go that easily.

She lightly grabbed Naruto’s chin and moved her face closer to hers. “My dear little Kagura, it’s rude to keep me waiting like this,” she said as she licked her lips.

“Kagura?” “That’s your new name my dear little sister. It’s so much prettier than Naruto don’t you agree?” As if in a trance Kagura nodded in agreement. “Good, now are you ready for some fun?” she asked as she whispered into Kagura’s ear.

Kagura blushed and slowly nodded her head in confirmation. She was still agitated from earlier and this was her chance to finally reveal herself.

Without hesitation Kaguya pounced on Kagura and they then spent the next several days in blissful joy. Several days latter they both emerged from the bedroom glistening with sweat and then they headed towards the shower where they once again began to enjoy themselves.

Once they were finally done they headed to the living room where Kagura found that all the tailed beasts had been turned into cute little chibi pet forms!

“They’re so cute!” Kagura couldn’t help but play with them for the rest of the day, while enjoying her time with Kaguya.

“This place is amazing isn’t it?” said Kaguya as she sat down next to Kagura. “It is,” she said as she looked at Kaguya with innocent eyes.

“This is the remains of the uzushiogakure. I plan on rebuilding it to defend us from the other shinobi nations. With the emergence of the three new sages, Sakura, Sasuke and Sai, our safety comes first. I would be remiss if I let anything bad happen to my younger sister who is soon to be my bride.” “Bride!” “Why of course it is only natural that we wed after what we just did. Though there is no need to worry as the white zetsu samurai’s and black zetsu shinobi’s will defend us. No harm shall come to you.”

“Why?” “Why what my love?” “Why do you care so much about me? Aren’t we enemies?” “No we are not. Humanity is my enemy, but that doesn’t apply to you. You are pure and sweet. You are everything that I could ever as for in both a sister as well as a lover.”

“You love me that much?” Kagura couldn’t hold back her tears. All her life she had to fight to survive and every bit of love that people gave her only came after she proved herself. No one ever loved her for just being her. This was finally her chance to live a life without pain.

“Big si-ster, I lo-ve you,” she said as she cuddled into Kaguya’s lap. It was time that she started a whole new adventure for herself. The adventure called love.


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