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“Naruto behind you!” yelled Sasuke as Kaguya rammed right into Naruto using a jutsu that he has never seen before, causing him to black out.

“Ugh.” Naruto awoke minutes later, but notice that there was something wrong with his body. He looked down to see a pair of J-cup breast blocking his view amd he felt the weight of his ass grow as well! His clothes had changed into that of Kaguya’s and so did his skin and hair. He was now an exact replica of Kaguya.

“My, my,” came Kaguya’s voice which echo in his mind. “You really turn out nicely now didn’t you. I may not be in full control at the moment, but that can soon change. Having you as my new vessel will make things much easier.”

“What’s going on? Why are you in my mind and where the hell are we!?” As Naruto looked around she notice that they were no longer in the same place that the battle had been at minutes before. By the looks of it they we’re located in some forest, though that wasn’t enough to understand where they were.

“It’s no use to hope for your friends to came. I made sure that they are kept busy while I begin your training.” “Training?”

“Yes, training. If I can’t fully control this body the least I can do is make sure that you do not ruin my image.  “

“I won’t be your pawn!” Naruto yelled.

“You have no choice in the matter. Just look at your body. It is already shaped in my image. There is nothing that you can do to stop the process now. Not even those pesky Tailed Beasts can do anything as they are now properly sealed away in the deepest parts of your soul!”

“You can’t stop me, or should I say us. We are one now and there is nothing that you can do to change it. Now get ready we have some company,” she said as she urged Naruto to look up to the sky.

As Naruto looked up into the sky she saw the figures of four gray skinned men as the floated down to her.  “These are none other than members of the Otsutsuki clan,” said Kaguya. “Isshiki Otsutsuki is at the front while the ones behind him are known as Kinshiki Otsutsuki, Momoshiki Otsutsuki, and Urashiki Otsutsuki.”

“It would seem that Kaguya has failed in her mission,” said Isshiki, in a dark deep voice. “She may still be in the corners of your mind, but that doesn’t mean that we have to keep you both alive. She has served her purpose.”

“What rude men they are,” said Kaguya. “Wait, they aren’t your allies? Asked Naruto still confused on what was happening.

“No, they are not. The Otsutsuki clan only cares about the strong, the ones defeated in battle are disposed of. For that reason I implore you to kill them.”

“What?” “Naruto, if we kill them then there will be nothing to stop you from becoming Hokage. In fact with my power you an become Hokage of the entire world, so just do it.”

“Fine, bring it on yelled Naruto as she charged at them. The battle was tough but by the end all of them except Isshiki laid dead at her feet. It wasn’t even a challenge to defeat them.

“You wench how dare you!” yelled Isshiki as he charged straight at Naruto.

Naruto easily dodged Isshiki’s barrage of attacks and then without much effort Naruto used her rasengan and smashed it into his ribs! Isshiki fell to the ground and looked at Naruto with fear spread across his face.

“How!? How is this possible! To defeat me, the strongest of all the Otsutsuki! Such a feat should not be possible! You should have been overwhelmed by our strength!”

“If I was alone, maybe I would have, but you seem to forget that Kaguya is a part of me now. She has showed me the correct way to use this new power of mine. In addition she has shown me all of your weaknesses.”

“She knows you far better than I do, so taking you all down was simple,. In fact it would be that far off to call it child’s play. Now please just die already,” she said as she drove the sword of nunoboko in his chest. Then several seconds later Naruto absorbed them as part of her own chakra.

They may have been weak, but their chakra was delectable. Now it was time for her to continue with her goal.

“Good, very, good,” said Kaguya. “You fought well for the first time in my body. For that matter I applaud you. Though your form could use a bit of work.”

“Don’t patronize me, I just got this body. Your nitpicking during the battle didn’t make things better. For now let’s head back. The others will be waiting for us.”

“Are you sure that you even want to go back?” “Of course. With your power I can not only become the Hokage of the world, but I can also create a new chakra tree.”

“Weren’t you all against that though?” “At first yes, but now I can see that with your power we don’t have to imprison everyone, just the criminals. By doing that not only will the world be a much safer place, but we will get the chakra fruit that we desire.”

“That is a plan that I never thought of before. It shall be interesting to see how the world turns out under our control. Now let’s be off, our destiny awaits!”


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