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Anger is not something that is forged over time. It is not something that one is born with. It is something that can be created through ones experience, one’s history.

Over time a person’s anger can develop in several different ways. Sometimes it is just a passive response to an event that unfolds before you. You would never notice this anger until you see something that goes against what you believe is right.

For an example, if you seeing someone abusing an animal you will feel rage, you will feel anger. This is a natural response based on societal norms that are taught to you since birth. Most people believe that anger, rage and wrath are something be controlled, but that is only half right.

In the example that I just gave it is only natural to feel anger, but it’s another thing whether or not you use that anger. You could take your anger out on that person or you could walk away.

If you pick the first option you are acting in the name of justice. Not many people would even think to relate anger to justice, but there are many important points of our world history that have been started due to anger.

If you pick the second option all you will feel guilt. You may feel prides that you didn’t let your anger control you, but there will always be that part of you that regrets doing nothing. Now I know this may seem that I’m talking about justice, but please bear with me

Another way that one can develop anger/rage/wrath is through disappointment. It’s a simple topic that I have learned myself. This anger and rage comes from when you see someone that you love, and respect turn into someone that you can no longer recognize.

You end up hating them for betraying what they once stood for. You hate them because no matter how hard you try to help them, in the end it is pointless, because they refuse to change.

Ange/rage/wrath, however you want to call it is a double-edged sword. At time it can help you and other times it can hurt you. The best thing that you can do is to try and control you rage. Turn it into something that can benefit your life, not something that will only fill you with regret.


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