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What was he thinking? Why would he do this now of all times, why would he choose this!?

I know yeah he did this and that there was no other way to save the rest of us, but I just can’t accept this! He gave up everything for a foolish girl and now he’s gone!

I couldn't stop my rage from exploding. I have never been one to be able to hold my emotions back, but today it was harder than usual. After everything the seven of us had been through, after all the sacrifices that we were forced to make I never thought that he would end up being one of them.

I want to hate him. I want to shout just how stupid he was, but how can I? How can I resent him for saving the rest of us? How can I be mad at him? I get the live my life freely now because of what he did, but the truth was he didn’t have to do anything.

If he wanted to, none of us would have stopped him from saving himself, but he gave up the one shot. He gave up the only shot that he had to finally exist. His one shot that would free himself from the rest of us.

I don’t even know what to think about anymore. I just wanted to forget. I wanted to forget this pain in my heart, so I focused on causing pain. I began to rapidly hit the punching bag in front of me. This was all I could do to my stress. It was the only thing that was holding me back from going berserk.

I hit the punching bag so hard that it tore open and orange sand began to drain out of it. Orange. It was a color that brought back memories of that place. The place he freed me from. The place that he freed all of us from.

It’s been about a month since his disappearance and none of have a clue of where he went. We tried searching, but in the end that proved to be impossible. There wasn’t any trace of him left.

I just hope that he’s happy. Wherever he is I hope that he can smile the same way that he did when he was with her.


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