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Abbey Daisen

Height: 5' 10"

Age: 24

Blood Type: O+

Personality: Loyal, High Libido, Short sighted

Background: Abbey was born into a wealthy family as the older of 2 sisters. Abbey was a troublemaker from a very early age and was sent to an all girls school to avoid any romantic trouble in her teenage years. This was, unfortunately, pointless as Abbey would prove to like girls far more than boys and got into many short and adventurous relationships. She would also develop her sizeable assets rather early on, which made her a target of many for jealousy and yearning. This, along with being taller and incredibly outgoing, made her extremely popular in school. Rumors went around that she even had a brief relationship with a teacher. This was, of course, absolutely true, although she always denied it to protect the teacher. This was a Trait Abbey would be known for. Despite having a rather impressive number of partners overall, she never had more than one at a time. However, whoever she was with at the time received her utmost attention and care, which in of itself showed her caring and kind nature. Even if she was slightly airhead and horny nearly at all times. After leaving school, she would go to college and squeeze out marginally acceptable grades. It was at this point in her life that she would begin to formally date both men and women but found she usually preferred the company of girls. Newr the end of her college career, she was cheated and then dumped by a woman she thought might have been wife material. This devastated her and made her hesitant to commit to any serious relationships for several years. So after college, she took up work within her family's company, which allowed her to travel. This took her all over the world and introduced her to the many different species of women that populated the planet. She still got with human women but started getting a taste for elvish women. Particularly if they were well endowed. So she would travel to Elco Vella, homeland of the elves, frequently and unfortunately would anger an elf who wanted a more serious relationship. Abbey, however, was not interested, so this scorned elf would suggest trying her luck at the Elf Kingdom Casino in hopes she would suffer the fate of many humans that gambled there. Abbey would, of course, go on to meet Mafaya and Perpheryrus Elinion there and change her life forever.

Epilog: Abbey and Phery would be bonded for life, and although this proved beneficial in the short term. Abbey began to realise the consequences of her new extended longevity. She would go on to watch her family grow old and pass away. She would eventaully go on to run her family's company for nearly 300 years before passing it to one of her distant relatives. She would then work with Phery on magical contracts for the better part of her life and become a rather notable mage. She, of course, never found much satisfaction in magic and really only enjoyed working with Phery. Phery would go on to cheat many more times in the span of 500 years but eventually came to be loyal for the next length of their relationship. This is partly because Abbey would, from a certain point, invite new people to join in thier sexaul encounters, and this seemed to work for both of them. Phery would nearly perish in the fight against Censor, but ultimately survives to the end of both her and Abbeys bonded life span. Abbey would go on to write text about her experiences of her long life and even was a major influence on her niece and newphews in law. Kara Elinion, daughter of Mafaya, was particularly fond of Abbey and Abbeys chronicles of books would inspire her to bond with a human she fell in love with. Abbeys' last notable accomplishment was becoming a scholar, Imperious of the Wayfare committee in the last few hundred years of her life. Phery would also gain this title, and the 2 would go on to work towards banning sensory dampening augmentation magic for use in warfare due to the long-term effects it had on soldiers. This was inspired by Mafaya's early dependence on her charm and the toll it would take on her mental health throughout her life. Abbey and Phery would choose the elvish ritual of passing rather than letting their life force run out. This meant that their remaining life force would be infused into source lines, which in legend meant that they would live on in some form for as long as mana runs through the planet. Abbey lived a full and rewarding life and passed, holding Phery in her arms. Her last words were in response to a question asked by Phery. They were "Forever and ever my love"



Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ honestly Abbey is my favorite character, thank you very much.