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The Imp(Dela)

Race: Metafell

Height: 6'2"

Personality: clumsy, caring, willful

Background: Dela was born of a large spawn and was the smallest and weakest of the imps. The culture of imps is cruel, and imps that do not cultivate enough power are abandoned. This was the imps fate. She wandered the streets and survived off scraps, and whatever else she could scavenge. She spent several years nameless and wandering til she was very nearly out of life force. An imp without a spawn pool is not granted reincarnation. She was at deaths door. It was raining. She was cold... she gnawed at a bone for what little she could manage but simply lost the will to feed herself. She stumbled into an alley and hid under garbage to try and survive the elements for just another night. Thoughts of possible scraps might let her live just a little longer... She cried. It wasn't fair. She didn't even get a chance. She hadn't even gotten to sleep somewhere warm or made a friend. Her life would end in this alley, cold and covered in garbage. She began to lose even the energy to be angry. Lighting flashed, and she heard Thunder, which caused her to jump and scattered the little shelter she had. She could not stay here. She wandered out of the alley and looked around. Metafell of all sizes and shapes walked past her. Ignoring her pleas for help. She eventually gave up and strayed into a less crowded street. She would stay awake as long as she could. She stumbled and smacked into someone. Staring up, she saw the fierce expression of an elf woman. The Elf looked down and scowled. The imp fell back and could only weakly shield herself. Shivering weakly til she could only slump. The Elf stared down at the imp before walking through a nearby door and slamming it behind her. The imp slumped next to the door, and her mind went blank. The end was near. The night went on, and the morning came. The rain didn't stop. The imp woke up as the door she had slept near opened. The Elf from before saw the imp and looked annoyed. "You can't sleep here, Shove off imp." The Elf said, standing over the imp. The imp was used to this and was ready to leave when she realised she couldn't stand. Her body was too weak. The Elf grew annoyed, and the imp looked down and began to crawl. The imp felt the rain hit her, and she stopped. She cried again. She weakly pounded the stone road. She didn't want to die. She wanted to live and eat and laugh and... and... she stopped moving. The Elfs expression of annoyance faltered. The small creature made her feel... pain. This wasn't her problem. The imps choices were her own... yet something compelled her to pick the imp up. The imp was light and motionless. It had lost consciousness. The Elf made noises of frustration and took the imp inside. The imp awoke once again but felt something...unfamiliar. warmth. She woke up in bundles of blankets, and next to her was food. She immediately consumed all of it, not noticing the Elf watching her. The Elf spoke up and told her she couldn't stay. The imp happy to have the food tried to stand. She fell again. The Elf groaned and let the imp stay until she could walk. The imp stayed with the Elf several days. The Elf seemed annoyed by the imp but didn't make her leave. The imp eventaully regained her strength and left elfs home...but she would return. The imp was grateful to the Elf and so began to bring her small shiny things. The Elf showed annoyance, but... took the gifts. The Elf also began to leave food out for the imp. The imp began to come back each day. The Elf showed more and more signs of care for the imp. Eventually , Elf invited the imp to stay with her. The imp was overjoyed and ate and grew stronger. The Elf thought of the imp as a rather cute pet as the imp looked like little more than a pitch-black lizard like creature. Then, the imp evolved. She became a rather more appealing humanoid figure. The Elf suddenly didn't feel as though she had a pet... the imp was... attractive. The imp one day confessed to the Elf, and so the two began a romantic relationship. The elf then began to help the imp become stronger and even got her work at Knave Cave. The imp felt grateful for every day she spent with the elf.

Epilog: Dela would go on to try and end the conflict between the Metafell and heroes. This campaign would gain huge support and eventaully when it is revealed that heroes can be freed from their addiction to mana by transformation it begins a large movement that causes mass chaos within the heroes guilds. In turn, the war slows, and metafell begins to also question the reasons for war. Although it takes several decades, eventually, the 2 sides find a peaceful solution, and many heroes are turned into metafell and metafell in turn slow the creation of new metafell. Much of the metafell military is abolished, and the metafell culture begins to branch into new industry. Dela is seen as a founding member of this change but steps down from leading roles after the major dissolution of the metafells military complex. She spends much of the next few decades in peace with Cinnra as happy as can be. Until Censor begins a reign of destruction that ends up killing Cinera. Dela then, with the help of Mafaya and Perpheryrus, Cineras sisters, would go on to defeat Censor, but this would cost Dela her life. This is due to censors ability to stop Metafell's reincarnation, but Dela seamed ready to die by this point and was at peace knowing she was going to be reunited with Cinera... the Elf who gave her happiness.