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Character Profile #2

Mafaya Elinion(Faya, Fay-Fay)

Age: 138

Blood Type: Elven

Height: 3'6

Personality: Sensitive, Mischievous, Caring

Magic Rank: SSS

Background: The birth of elves is a rare occurrence, so upon birth, they don't often interact with any peers. Faya spent most of her time with her sisters and mother. Faya, although being the oldest, was the least emotional capable of the sisters. She was babied by both her mother and youngest sister who often times seamed the oldest of the 2. Faya didn't seem to show much insecurity in her emotional state or maturity even though she was heavily criticized by her sister Cinera and other elves outside the family. Faya, for most of her first 50 years, was very innocent and relied upon her mother and sister to help her with difficult situations. Eventually, her mother gave her an enchanted rune that allowed her to suppress her emotions but also limited her magical capabilities. Fayas' magical potential while fully unrestrained was seen as greater than even her mother and was part of the reason she was given such allowance of her childish demeanor for so long. When ranked at 10 years old, she already had the capacity to require military sensors to measure her raw power. She, however, had little interest in using magic and was an awful student. Her control to this day is supplemented by using magic contracts due to her poor education in mental magic implementations. She is also unable to use most forms of rune magic due to the need for very exact control. Faya was a very different person after her mother passed. She went on to do any job that allowed her to take her revenge on humans, who she attributed to the cause of her mother's death. She joined her younger sister Cinera in defending the Metafells dungeons from heores but wasn't good at anything but direct conflict and this often meant the distruction of the metafell she was helping to protect in the process of killing heroes. She eventually took up a job at the Elf Kingdom Casino and became infamous for tricking humans into less than ideal contracts, which led to their death or usually worse. She was known as "Death Dealer" for many years, and this didn't end until a brief relationship with a human girl swayed her opinion. After this, her rune to suppress her emotions was damaged after a magical contract with her younger sister Perpheryrus went wrong. Perpheryrus, at this point, maintained the rune as was the only elf Faya knew who could do the precise work needed for the magic to work. Eventually, the magic would fail altogether, and Faya had to learn to love without it. Luckily, in that time, she got into a relationship with a human woman named Kara, and this relationship gave her the support she needed to come to grips with her feelings.

Epilog: Faya's life later is a very bitter sweet one. Her relationship with Kara went on and off until Karas death. Faya had unresolved feelings about foregoing a binding ritual with Kara, which would have bound both of their life spans together. Faya would go on to see her younger sister Cinera die at the hands of a powerful Metafell named Censor. Faya would work with her sister Perpheryrus and Dela(Cineras Wife and Over Lord) to find and destroy Censor. Dela also meets her end with Censor but is eventually brought down by Faya. Faya is eventaully forced into a political marriage like her mother and gives birth to a boy and a girl. The boy is named Silverien and the girl is named Kara. Faya never finds anyone to bind with but dies reportedly happily after a full Elven life span. Her daughter Kara eventually binds with a human, but that's a different story.


Lord Shoku (Gormik)

Sad.. to think censor will kill Dela and Ceneras..


yeah I have a lot of thoughts on thing I probably won't get around to drawing so I'm putting them in these profiles