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The Origin of Combat Bards

A branch of the heroes mages before the split of humanities was once known as the bards guild and was once a huge political power in the world but was destroyed by geopolitical conflict. The magic of the bards was seen as highly manipulative and an unregulated source of rebellion and fringe beliefs. Many bards disputed the war between the Humans and elves and are usually attributed as a major component of the split between The HWS and the Kingdom of Cila. As a result, bards were villainized in both cultures and so the creative practices of the bards guild was highly regulated until it was nearly outlawed which drove surviving members to any country that would accept them. The largest collection of working bards is in the continent of Ako. Bards in these times are seen as not only rare but also extremely dangerous both in terms of combat magic but also societal influence. Bards simply are trying to entertain and most are carefree souls. However due to the controversial past of the guild there is rumor of a secret force of combat bards who enforce the freedom of expression. Even the most powerful mages in both human and elvish circles respect the bards guild due to their magical powers.

Combat Bards

Descriptions: The magic of artistic focused mages is usually used to influence crowds towards feeling positive but this magic is also the source of incredibly powerful combat magic. Combat bards often can incapacitate large groups of untrained combatants with simple sounds infused with massive focused amounts of mana. Combat Bards are usually ranked around “A” level at base and even elvish mages don’t try and make enemies of them. Rumor has it that Ako’s independents is largely due to the presence of the Combat Bards.

First hand Account of General “Randall V. Howser”

“... That whistling was the  only thing we heard at first… the men brave enough to walk forward were set ablaze. The mages had no counter spell because they never heard a spell cast. Suddenly I heard a chorus of men and women who sang a song that changed the weather and made the earth shake… A single boy walked forward and no one could bring them to attack him. He warned us that to advance was to die and suddenly vanished. Suffice to say we didn’t march even a step forward. The bards are to be considered a threat akin to the elves and must be dealt with extreme determination and focus.”


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