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What is a Diminutive Race?

The term diminutive race is a complex and independent topic that covers a large portion of the overall population but I'll only briefly give a small overview as future notes will cover the details of the topic as it relates to specific species. The term diminutive race simply denotes that a species is in its entirety under the magical effect of a deity and therefore has magically inclined traits. There are 3 diminutive races to date among the 5 recognized races. These are Elves, Metafel and Titans. An example of magically inclined traits is the elves reduced stature across the species but in exchange are able to use magic themselves under the deity Valor. A very important way to recognize diminutive racail traits is that no magical or biological manipulation can change or alter traits. We will demonstrate this with elves once again as although they are able to change the size and shape of other species, are unable to do so to themselves and are immune to the magic of other species that would increase of decrease their size or mass. Significant biological methods such as surgeries to increase height or shape will end in the death of the individual.


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