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The world that all my comics happen in is a very wierd but connected place. I try and make sure each story doesn't require any knowledge of any of the others or if it introduces a concept to only ever introduce one at a time. That being said I do have a general sense of things that go on. So Im gonna start posting any information about the world here. Its rather mindless stuff and isn't necessary to understand my comics but it does organize some stuff. Also this won't interfere with any page creation mostly just sitting bed staring at ceiling thoughts.

Starting with the 5 races:

Zoakin( includes felians, canains, fergenian, avious and reptosapian)


Metafel (includes devils, angels and (allegedly)gods)





What's a fergenian, and what makes a Titan different than a Metafel? I ask the second because titans in mythology usually are associated with or are themselves deific beings.


Fergenians still working on those but more or less are most of the species that hasn't branched into significant population with defining characteristics. The word breaks down from [feral] and [genus] Metafel and Titans are separated by method of prolonged survival and existence. Metafel although have both biological and magical traits are conceived and populated in a biological way and grow through magical means. E.G. imps are born from eggs which are laid by female and fertilized by a male and then only grow more biological features magically. Titans are created and exist completely though magical means and all biological elements are maintained by magical forces. E.G. Golems are created by magic and never age biologically