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There are so many talented writers, entertainers, and personalities in this niche that I get to share space with and am happy and honored to share the spotlight with.  Many of them I am fortunate and honored to call friend and peer.

Many are very creative and proficient, telling stories in ways I cannot or will not, but execute them so well that I cannot help but admire the craft with which they execute their endeavor.  Not everyone does diapered trauma drama like I do, but their sweet slice of pumpkin pie and cup of coffee writing is a refreshing palette cleanser after all the self induced tears and wishes gone awry.

A few people, I've found, do exactly what I do and they do it VERY well and it pushes my competitive buttons and makes me want to up my game, shout their names to the heavens while powering up for a three episode long death battle that supposedly only takes 5 minutes.

Then there's the exceedingly rare third rail that shocks and electrocutes my sensibilities because I never would have thought of it, yet after listening to it and digesting it I wish I had.

"Lattle Prattle" may very well be that rare third element.

It's a podcast, diced up into 15-20 minute segments, that reviews ABDL, Femdom, and BDSM literature.  If that were the whole of it, I'd nod and go. "Yeah, that's neat. Go for it."

But it's so much more.

The preview for Lattle Prattle is little more than a teaser and introduction to the titular host "Darleen Lattle", a bombastic and over-the-top (in the best way) reviewer who sounds an awful lot like a young Tim Curry ala Rocky Horror Picture show.

But come Episode One...it takes on a new level, and in addition to a review of a smutty author I've never heard of before, we get a story.

We meet "The Vessel", this poor schmuck of a man who seems just as confused and reluctant to be here as anyone, but he's found a Grimoire (fancy word for magic book)...and he feels compelled to read it, even though every time he does he blacks out.  Same as when he tries to listen to the recording.  But SOMEONE or SOMETHING makes him want to continue.

So he reads the incantation (which is the 18+ warning), draws a summoning circle, and then puts three items in it.  

And then after some ungodly retching sounds, we meet Darleen Lattle.  The host of Lattle prattle, and sensual Cenobite who rides the Vessel's body in doing these reviews.  And unlike the stammering, stuttering, constantly fretting Vessel, Lattle exudes charisma, sensuality, and showman ship with every syllable that drips from their forked tongue.  It's very much like Looney Tunes, where even though if you listen closely you can tell that most of them are done by the same voice actor; each voice and character is whole and distinct from one another.

By the end of the first episode, you get an idea of what you're in for should you continue to listen: A fifteen minute review of smutty literature from someone who is part of our scene and has a vocabulary and distinct voice (two of them actually).  It's cool.  Very novel.  

If it ended there, I wouldn't be writing this.

Having been given the privilege of listening to some as-of-this-writing unreleased episodes, it goes so much deeper.  There is pattern and structure, yes, but there is variety and lore, too.

The Vessel progresses deeper and deeper into his own madness, giving hints about a backstory that the audience can only guess at and at one point made me pause and decry Lattle as a monster.  And although the incantation remains the same (because we should not vary up the 18+ warning too greatly) the ingredients for the summoning circle change every time, too, based on what is being covered.

More than that, the content changes up. I've heard reviews, and dramatic readings of source material, and interviews, too; all chunked up in nice digestible 15-20 minute bits, and Lattle gives it their all, all while weaving in a story within a story.  For those of you who remember Channel Awesome in its heyday before things fell apart, this has shades of this in the best possible way.

At present there's only the one episode that's been released, but I can't wait for there to be more.  The biggest thing (that we can control) that is keeping more episodes from being released and even more created is how all artists struggle for validation and fear not being noticed which causes them to hold back and create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I propose to change that for this individual.  Follow the link. Give the first episode a listen.  If you think it holds promise like I do, follow Darleen Lattle on Twitter and give her all the praise and feedback that you can.  Get some momentum going.

It won't cost you a thing beyond 15-20 minutes of your time (if you count following tweeting) and it might start something new, bordering on revolutionary in terms of community engagement, entertainment, and involvement.

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/darleen-lattle

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarleenLattle



I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation


What other podcasts would you recommend? I’ve not been listening to any for several years now and really don’t know the options anymore other that Sophie and Chloe


The Usual Bet is A+ imo. Sophie and Chloe have a natural banter about them that makes you feel like you’re back at school sitting at lunch while two friends ramble before 5th period. But you knew that. Also consider Dear Jazzie which is a bit like TUB crossed with an advice column. Jazzie and her cohost Fawny are very good at keeping things moving while giving good, honest advice to kinky questions. My Mommy has a question coming up about including Bigs in play spaces as something besides “props” or extensions of a Little’s identity. I’m eager to hear the answer.


Holy *shit* That was so fucking cool, Personalias! How did you strumble across this? It irks me, how the most awesome things are so often found only by chance! But I guess I have to tell others about this podcast now, lol.