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Greetings, my dear patrons!

I am back for the update for this month; I hate to end a month with an uncompleted project, but it could be a blessing in disguise for this project might become the biggest project I have done so far (and a very time-consuming one too, I think I won't do this scale of project for a while after this lol.)

As a reminder I have promised a release in September. Obviously, I didn't. I have to apologize for such a misleading set of goal. To elaborate what I have done for the past month, it was stemmed from my own disastisfaction on the original scenes I have made for this project. The idea of sideway BJ and pole dancing cowgirl was okay in their own merit. However, It feels quite awkward when putting together. Thus, I have decided to completely scrapped the mini cuts for this two scenes, and decided to make 3 new scenes as the main event instead!

Introducing the completely overhaul -

Stocking Anarchy project V.2.0 

To put it simply, I have repurposed the pole dancing scene (former main scene, as cowgirl stuff happening.) Into a teasing/dancing scene. The sideway BJ scene is getting less awkward by the new face panel. Everything should blending much smoother now.

Original scenes

New Scenes

However, with such heavy extra scenes. This renew version cost me an entire month to do it. The good news is the structure is mostly done, only some grinding the rough around the edges and the scripts then it's done (about 90% done.) Expect the full version in a week. The project is huge and may reach 3 minutes mark with more seconds to spare!

There are fully rendered cut of each scene (5 files) to give you a taste of what is coming.






- Seasonal flu still haunted me for a while after the last update. I am healed up now.

- Halloween poll is coming up! Stick around to vote on your favorite waifu to be mashed up in Halloween costume/theme!

- (Ramble) I didn't have much time to play video games last month. Baldur's gate 3, Armored Core 6, Resident Evil 4 Separate ways update, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom liberty and so on... Sadge lol. 

Then again, spending times on the project is a must. With how complicated and overwhelming the structure of the project is. Leaving it unattended for just a couple of days made me forgot how it works entirely. So it was mostly the project in my mind for the entirety of the last month.

After this project, I will take a step back to the much more simple usual 1 scene stuff, rather than 2+3 scenes like this one (it was fun, but also bloating and mind melting. I need to stop before I get to the point that I release 1 project every 3 months.)

As Always, thank you for all of your supports.

Stay safe, and have a nice day!




Take your time! I think we all appreciate quality animations more than rushed ones. Also, is it possible to easily make a version without the party lights? I feel somewhat dizzy looking at them. (Ignore this if it takes too much effort, it still looks great!)


Worth the wait! Appreciate your work as always ❤️