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Greetings, my awesome patrons!

I am not good with telling bad news so I will get this out of the way first.

Around two weeks prior, I have caught a sickness the worst way possible That's was the main reason I fell out of every kind of touch to the Internet world (absent even on my Twitter.)

What I meant by "the worst" way? Imagine you are going to go on a short vacation abroad for 3  days, when suddenly, you started coughing like baffling on the evening before the day you fly. I immediately went to the hospital just to find out that I have an Influenza and throat infection. The irony was, just months before, I just took a covid vaccine shot and the doctor asked if I wanted to take Influenzas shot too (which I stupidly declined.)

The result was quite hurting (morally and financially.) I have to cancel all the flights and hotel reservations which I can't ask for any refund. Took a long ride back home, and stay sick after that for quite a while.

Fortunately, the symptoms were not severe. Still, it kept me always exhausted and almost impossible to focus. It was quite irritating able to walk around but can't do anything (I thought of playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Armored Core 6 too but the exhaustion was bad to the point that I can't even play video games either. So I can't even being unproductive with my time.)

 I have got better around 25th so I have been back to the project for a while now but still not completely healed. It wasn't my thing to only post apologize message, so I have decided to don't give a damn about it and keep pushing. It still has a lot of things to be done but I managed to cook up more than I expected.

Stocking Anarchy Concepts.

As I have mentioned, Stocking by herself was resonate with "oral" kind of scenes in my opinion. However, with Hilda already take the service kind of project last time. I have decided to shifted the focus of her a bit. Don't worry, The oral will still be there. But also with other goodies that will come with the final version.

These are collections of short Gifs to give the idea.

As previewed, this scene was focus on more of a C*ck Worship kind of oral instead. As I am not fond of using the complete side view (It feels like cheating somehow.) This scene is far more focusing on little details. The nose rubbing is one of many details this project will have. Unfortunately, there is no actual succ in this update yet. Still, I assure a nice twist version of bitchy angel style of project.

something like this...

However, the oral scene was only one of the part of this expanded project. The plan is to give her a good dance session and cowgirl scenes to counterweight the feeling of completion as a whole.

I still have a teaser of a dance scene to show for now, the final version will have 4 scenes that meaningfully contribute to the project. To completely portray the "Anarchy" vibe of her name.

That's it for this update.

The full project has planned to release around the 15th of September. In the meantime, I am getting myself fully heal before coming back to the scene. I am sorry if my update was lackluster this time.

Every update is going to be resumed after the release of this project! Prepared for the Haloween poll this month!

As always, thank you for all of your supports. 

Stay safe (don't be like me that wasted time and money by not staying safe lol.) 

and have a nice day!



Chris drake

Take your time i hear pushing yourself right as your recover can lead you getting sick all over again also sorry to hear you missed you vacation that doubly sucks. Glad to hear you're on the mend though


If it feels like cheating or too easy to do certain positions or styles, that's because your getting even better at doing them; and sometimes simple is all you need


I have to admit that I tend to have a critical mindset in technical terms (which sometimes don't matter when viewing from the audience's perspective.) One of my big syndromes doing L2D animations is the obligation feeling to have a full view of character's face in every project. As the nature of the animation is to manipulate one big drawing instead of doing many images. I shifted my works toward more drawings/panels/angles lately so it still kinda awkward to me to not doing full model of the character's face (simply speaking; I treated most of my models as if they were V-tuber models lol.) But I agree, I have to think more of the big picture rather than technical aspects. Which this project does have a frontal view of her.


Welp, shits happened but we still have to look forward mate.


For some reason none of the wips (or anything else on patreon) is loading for me :( But still, super exicited for this one!


That happened for a few of patrons as well. As I thought it might be involved with the size of the *.gif files themselves (they were somewhere between 30-50 MB per image so it might not working well with mobiles or some ISP with data cap.) All I can do for now is to encourage trying another app or connections. I will try to add the *.gif files I used into the download folders in the future.


Health always comes first, good to know you are recovering. And I'm so excited for this project too! Will there be any sex scene?