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Greeting my lovely patrons!

As I have mentioned about a bit of dilemma and changes lately, I have started to slowly recover to stability progress. I have made my peach with Ad*be and started using Davinci Resolve as substitute application. As I still learn how to use it, the details like effects and color might still all over the place for now. It will get better, I promise lol.

About my credit card issue, everything seems to be resolved now (I even order an additional card learning from this mistake.) The voice version of Nightingale will be released very soon. However, it will be some catch on the fully realized version due to my upcoming vacation (details on nightingale topic below.)

from the start of July, I will take about two weeks off from my office. Still, even I couldn't actively work on projects while I am off, I still able to do some small editing and works on my laptop. So you guys can expected some updates before I am back to my full work setup again.

The next main project Priscilla [W.I.P]


Priscilla from Dark Souls 1. Do noted that this is a very early animated version, a lot of effects and content are still missing.

A bit of an obscured character (still she is one of my personal favorite character back in the day.) This is quite an early version I have managed to render. Please excuse the floating dong doing the dirty work for now (the full version will have a full body man.) This project will have quite a complexity when it's done!

Tsunade vs a man version! [W.I.P]


Tsunade is getting the new update with an anonymous man willing to help her. There will be a good amount of new scenes and plays that unique to this scenario!

Once again, this is also a work in progress. It should be good to release after I am back.

Nightingale with voice version!


I have mentioned about there is a catch about the voice update version, what does it means? To put it simply, there will be two version of this release 1) just moaning and 2) with dialogues.

I have planned about do the lips sync animation for the dialogue version. However, due to my upcoming vacation, I am going to release the lips sync version after I am back.

The normal version will be uploaded very soon! I am waiting for the voice files which I only have myself to blame because my carelessness of the credit card incident.


  • I am sorry for taking a while to catching up with projects lately, especially for commission projects. Hopefully I can finally getting back to full speed after vacation.

  • I did play Elden Ring DLC a little bit (I can't resist the temptation!) Only roughly twenty hours though.

  • I have split my projects into a lot of W.I.P to let myself work with smaller scale of updates with limited tools on my vacation. I still going to focus on taking it easy, but knowing myself, I can't stay still not doing my project for too long lol.





Tsunade Extra scenes



As always, I deeply appreciated the generous supports you guys gave me. I will see you after my return!

Thank you, and have a nice day!




I really really like that priscilla pose