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Greetings, my beloved patrons!

Are you having a good weekend? I didn't (lol.) You might be asking, "where the heck did you go? Wasn't the 4th scenes supposed to be just a couple of days!?"

My answer to that is yes, that was what supposed to be. However, I have decided to push the release way back due to reasons, some work related, some personal issues. To summarize, in short, they were three major events that happened to me last two weeks.

  • I have made a full transition of my editing application to DaVinci Resolve due to Ad*be being sassy lately. I have been thinking about jumping the ship for a while. Luckily, the difference of two apps was not too far apart in nature. So I managed to self-taught my monkey brain to work on this new app. After this project, you might see some minor differences in the future videos. Nothing too distracting though.

  • My card info was stolen! About days ago, my CC app was suddenly screaming like ten messages with stuff that I didn't buy. Luckily, I was able to cancel and dispute the money. But that means I won't have any card to do Voice-over commission for a while. The replacement is already on the way, though. Hopefully, it will not be too long.

  • My personal life, while nothing super bad happens. I have found myself needed outside a lot lately. From family members to friends, I have to answer the call. Some stressful rendezvous, some just silly stuff that takes time. This, I have to apologize for the delay.

With my rant out of the way, the Nightingale project has been completed (for now!)

Scene 4 - Loose end.


Using everything she still has left in her arsenal, this mysterious man still won't give up his monster rage. This might look like a foreshadow to something even more spicy, but I have to stop it at this point for now. The total project has already become more than three minutes (lol). That alone was already longer than most of my official projects.

The good news is the project has some extra animations and poses due to my extra works on it. I got caught in a loop of [missing the work for a couple of days > decided to add something extra > something came up > missing the work > add extras > repeated] I hope you like them!

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Scene 4



Google Drive Archive only

Full Cut



Google Drive Archive only


  • The main project will be next in the line, I won't be able to play Elden Ring's DLC due to the time restriction (watching my favorite streamers while doing work is good enough lol.)

  • As I have mentioned above, commission the voice-over has to be put on hold for the moment. I will be update the process after my CC situation has been fully solved.

  • Next update and teaser will be a bit closer to the end of the month.

Again, my whole heartly appreciation for every support, stay tune for the next update!

Thank you, and have a nice day!



Roger Alfaro

Glad you got that issue sorted out, adobe was always an issue but I’m happy you found an alternative. You’re artwork has always been amazing and I wish you the best mate


It's... amazing, way better than I could have ever imagined. Because of this, I'm more addicted to condom play than before. The way the condom gets filled with a burst of semen creating a balloon is so erotic, I like that because it also shows how much it came and with how much strength, and for it to be a condom paizuri it was just the cherry on top for me. This just became my favorite animation from you. Amazing work and dedication! Hope the credit card replacement arrives soon.


Wonderfully done


this project as a whole has been a wild ride, and I love it