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“Go where you feel most alive!”

The Mountains begin calling, winds start whispering and through the clouds the sunshine lights the path I’m walking.

I can tell autumn is beginning to fade as the winds take the leaves from the trees. It’s a magical dance as they fall to the ground.

I like to adventure where I think no man has gone. I’m like a kid again pretending I’m in one of the Lord of Rings movies.

Although, I do find stones that even Gollum would claim to be his precious.

This is truly such a wonderful day and I am so happy to have captured it. Definitely had some fun playing along these rocks.

This week I get to adventure more and scout out new places!

Hope you have a wonderful week!

Thinking of you guys always 🥰




Thank you for sharing your beauty and perspective, Jess! I remember my first hot spring dip in nature, and it was a huge shift for me accepting my body and others’ as well 🌸


My pleasure! Thank you! Isn’t skinny dipping the best! I feel over the moon every time I do! Especially this past summer! 🥰


Love the play on words 🌝