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“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” -John Muir

I woke up rather early this morning and wanted to catch the fog rolling in. I gathered all my essentials and rushed out the door! I have a sign by my front door that says, “Adventure Awaits!” The perfect little reminder each day to never stop exploring.

I have been trying to see new places these days with unexpected views! So today I drove until I would see a sign for a hiking trail and immediately pull over to check it out.

There are so many secret nooks and crannies within these mountains you can find and most usually I get them all to myself! Trying to beat the signs that winter is coming, the snow starts to blanket the ground again as I hiked deeper into the woods.

The air was chilled, the pines had snowflakes dancing upon them and the fog swirled around and around. I can tell it wouldn’t be long and November would be greeting us. Until then, my sights are set on this beautiful hike. After a good steep incline of 3 miles, I’ve made it to this beautiful lake. I’m in awe at the beauty lakes have as they mirror the mountains and trees truly take my breath away.

As I sit in silence for a while, I can hear the song of this place sing to me. I believe every place has its own song it sings. I like to say I have playlist of places close to my heart!

I hope everyone is staying safe during these fires in Colorado. May the snow help extinguish the flames.

Have a beautiful week my friends 💗






I didn’t just so I could feel out how packed it may be with people. But I didn’t see one person!! I do want to go back and hike the entire thing naked! I should post a video of that!


Such a gorgeous contrast in nature! Great pics!

Gordon Brodie

That'd be great. There's something special about naked hiking and just been outdoors. Enjoy :-)