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There is just something about watching as the golden orb of the sun falls beneath the horizon.

The days flew by so quickly since my last post. I catch myself being sucked back into the busy life. Last year, it wouldn’t of been a week but months would have flown by without me knowing it. My soul would be longing for adventures that somehow I thought I couldn’t create. This year is different! My spirit speaks to me even louder and I am always listening.

In moments like these I am reminded of what is most important to me. The connection to the earth and the connection to myself.

Do you ever find yourself saying... “ I can’t believe it’s already the middle of October?! (Or) “I can’t believe this year is almost over?!” “Where did the time go?!”

Wishing your week away just so you can get to the weekend. I’ve realized how many missed magical moments are in everyday!

I want to know, what gets you away from your busy life? Is it those moments outside on your back porch with a cup of coffee watching the birds? Maybe it’s walking your dog in the park every evening and catching a sunset?

Would love to know yours! Comment below or private message me!


Jess 🥰




For me, a big part of it is just slowing down to admire all the details we can see. The swallows on the telephone wire in the autumn light. The deer utilizing the wild places between homes. The multitude of colors in the vegetation of chlorophyll degrades in just one of the many cycles of the world.


Wow. That is incredible. You are right, if we didn’t slow down and take the time to admire those wonderful moments...we wouldn’t see how much beauty surrounds us. Thank you for sharing 🙏


That all sounds so lovely! Thank you for sharing!! What kind of wildlife you see?! I recently had a moose walk by while I was sitting outside one day.