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Come try what's been added up till version 0.1.6!
Download by using the link above~ 

A complete list of new features since the last public version includes:


  • Whole new perk system! It's become more visually enticing and more transparent in what perks the player will be able to choose from.
  • The player's "perk board" is always brows-able from the character menu tab. It come with the ability to scroll in and out.


  • The companion system is in! The first companion can be found in the southeastern area of Wetlock.
  • Once acquired, a submenu will be available under the "Character" tab.
  • In the companion submenu, you can equip items on your companion, check their stats and level them.
  • Each level-up provides your companion with stats and a perk point that can be used in their unique perk trees. 
  • The companion comes with it's own unique combat logic. It can debuff enemies, and later it can attack multiple targets at once.
  • Acquiring a companion unlocks a number of companion-recipes under crafting, for making companion items.
  • You dying will still end the combat, even if your companion still has hp. You're the most important to keep alive.
  • Currently the monsters will only attack the player. This will likely be so until I can code individual combat routines for all the monsters.


  • Multi monster combat is in the game! 
  • Every area have been assigned an "expected player level", to fit its diffeculty. Players with a higher level than intended will now encounter 2 to 3 monsters, rather than 1. 
  • Every monster's gold- and xp reward is pooled together upon victory. Found items will require a code rework, and haven't been implemented as of yet.  
  • Victory sex scenes will always precedence based on the middle monster. So if the middle monster is a Ratling; it's a ratling you'll be banging/banged by.


  • The bank has been added to Wetlock. Find it in the market area.
  • Inside are two npcs, on being the teller and the other being the guard.
  • The teller gives the first repeatable quest in the game. The rewards change up to a certain iteration, and afterwards it becomes sleazy (no smut yet though).
  • You can store items in the bank, with the option of buying even more storage than first given.
  • You can store gold in the bank, but only up to a given maximum.


  • There's been added a new quest involving Bucky and her 'sis' Katie. Talk to Rodham at the brothel to begin it. It involves a good amount of fighting against the game's newest beasts, but some of the fights can be avoided by players with particular skills.
  • After completing the quest, Bucky and Katie will have two sex-scenes for dick wielding players. Both scenes only has sketched art as of yet. One of the sex scenes is the winning scene from a few months back.


  • Added new monster: (City) Guards. Attacks hard and can apply bleeding.
  • Added new monster: (City guard) Sergeant. Has the ability to boost his fellow fighters. No monster portrait yet.
  • Added new monster: Thief. Can apply poison and steal coins from the player. No monster portrait yet.


  • Added new character: Old grumps. Meant for for future content. His artwork isn't finished. He can be found by the sewers in Wetlock.


  • Added new player gender: The herm gender is now selectable in the character creation menu. Start out with both male and female bit


  • Moohma is now romance able after having been saved from the great bulbkin. Has one scene for players with wangs.
  • Feron the blacksmith has received a romance option, availble to all player types. Requires 30+ lust.
  • Added a new romance scene with the barkeep Moira. Requires a dong. Features amazing animation by the talented Brolaren!
  • The "bang Katie" scene has received animated smut!
  • The "Bucky double bj" scene has received animated smut!
  • Added a new smut scene for beating the brownie. Requires a man-sausage.


  • The steamy scene between Sal and Moira has received coloured artwork
  • Symph's lap bang scene has received artwork!
  • Symph's doggy scene has received artwork!
  • Sal's female oral scene has received artwork!
  • The moohmin milking scene has received artwork!
  • The hidden barn orgie scene has received artwork!
  • The pay guard a blowjob to enter scene has received artwork!
  • The pay guards in ass to enter scene has received artwork!
  • The sergeant and the thieves that's encountered during "Lost lamb" have received portraits.


  • Story text has been placed into .txt files, instead of storing them in the C# script files. 
    The scripts that handled stories/smut/text was becoming well above a thousand lines individually, so I had to change it into something more scalable. 
    If you spot a "; or some other error in a text, please inform me, because it was a giant, error prone process to do :/
  • Texts taking place before arriving at Wetlock, have been revised for spelling errors, bad phrasing and has been broken down into smaller paragraphs for readability.
  • The code has been refactored to follow the "factory pattern" where appropriate, which will help as the project grows.
  • Some area-to-area transition descriptions have been changed, so they no longer repeat what was meant as a first time experience.
  • Added some darkness to the map during nighttime. Only works on outside areas.
  • Player's max level has been increased to 18, but the xp requirement for levels after 10 are far higher than the current xp rewards is geared towards.
  • Events the requires free inventory space will now prompt a pop-up on the map screen, if player's inventory is full.
  • Monsters in the farmlands and Wetlock have receiving a boost to their xp rewards, and the bosses: Great bulbkin and Uthgarr have received a slight power nerf.
  • I've removed the combat music from the scenes following a fight, because it disturbed my reading of the smut 
  • I've removed trigger words as "rape" and "violate", just not to get ban-hammered by patreon for bad phrasing.
  • The "gale" spell for the T'charn has received sound and animation. It's my first frame-by-frame animation, so it's very ragged. 
  • Unlocking monster journals now also displays what items a monster might drop.
  • Added a new debuff type: "Offence lowered". Lowers basic attack damage.
  • The quest "Cumquats on wheels" has been lowered to killing 4 instead of 6 cumquats. One for each wheel.


  • Old save files have died again, because the new perk system isn't compatible with the those stored on the saves.