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(This week's CatsuCast will contain NSFW content)

Welcome to another episode of CatsuCast!

I'm your dashing anchorperson, Catsudon, and thanks for tuning in. First of all, I want to thank all of you for supporting me! It means so much to me to know my art is worth your support, and I only hope you'll enjoy my content for weeks to come!

This week, I want to show you some old concepts. These have been sitting on my hard drive for over a year and has never seen the light of day! Take a look at this!

Oh, who's this hottie? 

Believe it or not, this was Yakitora!... Well, before he became Yakitora that is! This was just a random lynx I made up well over a year ago. I wanted to created a hot fierce looking stud, but I felt he looked too evil.

These are a few sketches of me tinkering with his design later on. Around this time, I noticed a lot of cool tiger characters such as Nullghost, @yy62401's tiger, and Spookeedoo's Asher, and felt inspired to make my own! You can see me trying out some tiger patterns on the right. They're already pretty close to Yakitora's!

Just need to redraw him with the actual features of a tiger...

And thus, Yakitora was born!

Of course at this time, he wasn't a permanent character just yet. It wasn't until 3 months later that I drew him again with a full body, and 3 months after that when he received his name!

Maybe I'll repurpose the lynx's design in some way as a new cat/food character in the future.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this little history lesson behind the creation of Yakitora! I have been Catsudon and thank you for joining me on the second CatsuCast! Tune in next week and have a good night!!! *wave wave*



Alone Lotus

I like him 😍😍