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"Yo, Yakitora here"

And welcome to the the first entry of The Secret CatsuBook. I guess I'm in charge of this.. show? panel? Anyway, Catsu entrusted me with his sketchbook. Well... I say "entrusted" but I had to pry it from his hands, even though this was his idea...

So then, let's get started. I'm suppose to pick out three pages for this week. Hmm... let's see here. Oh this page looks good.

Ahh yeah, this brings back memories! This was um.. oh yeah! This was some childhood classmate who use to pick on me in 3rd grade...? 4th grade? Well yeah, I had a run in with him again at the bar a couple years back. He came up to me and it took me a whole minute to recognize him. He's changed a lot! We caught up, he apologized, and took me back to his place to fuck. I made sure he felt it good that night! *laughs* 

Let's take a closer look at that shot.

Good shit.

Let's see what's next...

Now here's a hunk. Oh what? That's his name?... Well, how fitting. 
Isn't he from that old 80's cartoon? I think I remember watching this as a kid, though I never caught more than a few episodes. Oh this is from a reboot? Well it's good to see they kept his good looks! Would bang.

Ah yes, I love this bird. He is my favorite character from the... *looks at paw* Leg End of Zordo. 
Okay to be honest, I have no idea who this is. I'm a bit out of touch with the current video games, but I hear he's very popular with the kids these days. I can see why.

Let's get a closer look at this stud.

Why no! I wouldn't mind sharing a hot spring with you.

So that's our three pages this week. Catsudon left me a note to tell you all that he'll take requests for next week's Secret CatsuBook (Support Catsdon to see next week's update). Here are the rules:

• No Original Characters or Fursonas.
• Request characters such as Digimon, Housamo, Bowser, etc. for example.
• Keep in mind this will be NSFW.
• Can't guarantee all requests will be done, but feel free to request the same character again next week.

Feel free to leave requests in the comments below.

That's all for now. Thank you for tuning in and I hope you all enjoyed this week's content. Peace out!



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