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Almost at Season 3! Fuck this anime is taking me outtttt bro this is too good 😭




Let’s gooooooooooo


Preemptive 'sorry" for another long comment from me lol Anyway, This is SUCH an important arc in my opinion. Like it's a NECESSARY reminder that these kids are just that, KIDS! For all that Iida wants revenge, that's not the way to do it. And For all that Todoroki wants to be mature and pretend like he's over the literally child abuse he went through at the hands of Endeavor (let it be known I HATE Endeavor. I roll my eyes every time he shows up on screen. Literal child abuser and wife-beater. Scum), Todoroki probably isn't quite there on his mental journey. Like... they're just kids in WAY over their heads but it feels like the adults are implicitly encouraging them. Anyways rant over, I'm so excited to get into more of the story for season 3 (I know there's still a bit left in season 2, but season 3 has some of my other favorite arcs)


Rewatching!! 💙💙

Solitary Shrimp

So much fun enjoying this series again with you😄!! I gotta say, not sure if its my weird thinking or what, but Stain always makes me think if Casey Jones and Raphael (ninja turtles) were merged as one that would be the outcome hahahaha


Damn just watched and realized you missed the ending scene for 18 lol we can catch it next time 🫡


Ayyy! I just saw you posted! Definitely watching after my nap!


Hahahahaha I can totally see that man! And thanks for watching with me! Loving it!