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Hey y'all! Me again, and sorry to bother with another update 🫰😔 Just letting you guys know that despite my best efforts amd hopes, I still feel like shit today which is going to make content pretty impossible 🥲

So here's what we'll do! I'm thinking I should be good tomorrow, and if so, I'll film PDX101 and Time to Twice - knocking those two out together with Born to BTOB. This is provided all goes to plan and I feel better tomorrow, but if not then I'll do my best to stagger these throughout the week.

I'll post Kep-Chup on Thursday along with Queendom 2, and Sunday I'll do 2 episodes of CLoY to compensate for the one we missed today ❤️

As for 123 IVE, I'll try my best to use my free time this week to work these episodes into a few streams. I was initially thinking of doi g just one big stream in the last week of April but as that fell through and this week is also comeback / release heavy, it seems breaking it up might be the best way.

Either way, 123 IVE will be all done this month - I'll try to make sure it's sooner rather than later, but at the very latest it'll be all uploaded by the end of the month.

Also! LE SSERAFIM's slot this week will be occupied by their Knowing Bros appearance with Billie's MoonSua and Tsuki (if it releases this week), so we can look forward to that too!

Gotta make adjustments here and there for these unforeseen circumstances, but I appreciate the understanding!

When the month calms down we'll do our Monsta X MV dive, and if I have the opportunity this month, I'd love to listen to one of their albums - I'll put up a poll for Monbebe to vote on!

Anyway, thanks for reading this far if you have, and thanks once again for the well wishes guys! We should be good soon ❤️ Unlike me, take care of yourselves and stay safe!

Hopefully see you tomorrow!

~ Lok




Thanks for the constant updates. Take all the time you need. I hope it doesn't take long to feel better though!


Aww sorry to hear that Lok. I hope you feel better soon! Just take a rest first. Get well!