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Hey y'all - as expected, not feeling too hot right now, so definitely just going to rest up and give some of the content a miss. As is my usual policy, anything I don't get to one month due to other circumstances, I will get to the next, and this will be the case for 123 IVE. 

I'll likely be feeling better enough tomorrow night to post Crash Landing on You Ep. 2 as well as the next two episodes of Kep1us, however I don't have the energy in me tonight to pump out a marathon to IVE. Thanks for understanding!

I'll aim to get to this within the first week of May so as to not delay too much, but I'm still excited to get to it nonetheless <3

Thanks for the understanding y'all, and I'm looking forward to catching it with you guys soon!



Hope you feel better soon. I know you mentioned the rest of Time To Twice Healing Camping was getting posted this weekend. Did that get delayed as well?


Thanks man ❤️ Nah healing camping should be all good to go - I've moved Time to Twice away from Mondays for the moment but I'll post it normally on Monday as per the previous schedule 😊