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Hey everyone! Exciting little inclusion coming to all Patreon tiers from now on: each Saturday (KST - Friday for many of you behind Australia’s timezone), I’m going to hold a poll for the following Wildcard Wednesday!

Remember: Wildcard Wednesday is for **Wildcard** artists - these can either be just lesser known/not as popular artists, OR on the off occasion, artists that you’d typically not expect to see on the channel.*

I also want to keep the whole thing as much of a surprise as possible too, so even though the artist may be chosen, the song/amount of songs will be a surprise still!

I hope this is a fun little addition to the benefits you get here! I’m always working to try and bring as much value as I can here to you guys, but I’m so thankful I have you all as Patrons! You’re so supportive and understanding of my life off Youtube and I can’t express how thankful I am for that ❤️

Weekly special requests may be a while away at least until I can start considering doing this more full time. Time is pretty hard to find! 🕵🏻‍♂️ but it’s in the works nonetheless ❤️

Sorry for the long announcement y’all, hopefully I’ll post a poll in a few hours, if not before the end of the day!



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