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Juvia comes through! You owe her a debt of gratitude, Gray!

I WATCH FAIRY TAIL AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G6DQDD3WR/fairy-tail




Battle in The Plutogrim Ruins. Juvia vs Keyes. The winner, Juvia! Mah poor man, Gray... He lost Ur, he lost Ultear, and he lost his dad twice. Juvia is second in my waifu list in Fairy Tail. I can never put anyone above Cana, but Juvia comes close to surpassing her. She is devoted to Gray, the gag aspects of it aside, she does genuinely care about him. Juvia was also a wreck doing what she did, even if it was the right call. She defeated Keyes, freed Silver, and stopped Face's activation. Cana with the cards, Mira destroying Hell's Core, Lucy saving her guildmates via The Celestial King, and now Juvia stopping Face; the ladies of Fairy Tail are coming in clutch!


On the other hand what have the boys accomplished so far? Natsu beat Jackal once. Now he and Gajeel are struggling to beat their current opponents. Laxus barely beat his opponent (or more precisely that guy suicided) and is now out of commission. And Elfman got manipulated and blew up the guild!! I guess Gray managed to beat Silver?

Lewd Angel

Gray getting a sense of closure with his dad is a really good moment, definitely top 3 in this arc. When you look back at the last two episodes, "Deliora"s story didn't really make sense to begin with, he killed Grays parents, Gray was taken in by Ur for a long while, then Ur sacrificed herself to seal Deliora for 10 years. By the time he was 'freed' from the ice, Silvers body would've been nothing but bones, there'd have been nothing for Deliora to possess.