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I'm really curious as to why it's taking so long to identify all the bodies... The answer is likely to be really freaky!

I WATCH OCCULTIC;NINE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY75279J6/occulticnine




It's always kind of fascinating to see what someone else takes away from a series that has so much going on in it. (Is it really that strange for it take more than 2 days to identify that many bodies? With so many people going missing at once, I figure their police system has to be in chaos.) There are some big twists that have yet to be revealed... Once they have, a lot of these scenes (or even just certain lines of dialogue) are things you'll see in a very different light. That's what I'm noticing most this time around.


It is absolutely fascinating, how many mysteries are already in place... With the IDing of the bodies, it just seems like many would have identification on them, making it pretty simple, and certainly a priority... I may be way off on that, but I'm wondering if there isn't something more to the time it's taking to get that done?...