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Now this REALLY has my curiosity piqued! What is this that Luffy wants at the end of his dream?!

I WATCH ONE PIECE AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GRMG8ZQZR/one-piece




Koby just can't seem to not be kidnapped by a black haired fat bitch. Though at least Alvida got fit. Blackbeard is just a scumbag and a half. It's telling how powerful he is though when Rayleigh concedes he'd have lost if it came to blows. Luckily Blackbeard underestimated himself and just took Koby as a hostage. He also saved Boa and The Kuja ladies. Gigachad at work Zoro was indeed the voice of reason, Vivi is no push over and its possible she is with Sabo. Still a shame that her father died. Long live the king! Next episode truly begins the new arc and initiates the proper start of the final saga.


We see 3 generations of Amazon Lily empresses at the start of this episode. Gloriosa (Elder Nyon), empress from 3 generations ago, Shakuyaku (Shakky), empress from 2 generation ago, and Boa Hancock, the current empress. The only one unknown is the empress before Boa and there are some theories that she might have been Luffy's mother.

Brother E

If I recall that's the Empress who died of Love Sickness? Hmm that's an interesting thought now. 🤔